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text 2021-02-11 19:11
The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist for a Fresh Home



Spring is the best time of the year for all sorts of outdoor activities. The season, however, is just as great for finally getting over with those cleaning tasks you have been postponing during winter. Do you wonder what chores you should address, so that you can deep clean your home to perfection? Check these six cleaning jobs you should no longer avoid completing:


  • Declutter – before you start cleaning any surface or room at your place, make sure that clutter wouldn’t stand on your way. Unnecessary items piling up should be checked thoroughly, otherwise, they would prevent you from cleaning your home quickly. So go through the stuff you consider useless and decide what can be sold or donated. Once you get rid of objects you never benefit from, spring cleaning would become a less complicated project to handle.


  • Check your vacuum cleaner – while spring cleaning, your vacuum cleaner would be one of the most reliable cleaning tools you can think of. Whether your carpet demands on quality disinfection or your mattress needs to be refreshed, you should be certain that your vacuum cleaner is ready to be put in action. Is the bag or the container of your machine empty? Can you count on a decent filter? If you are sure that the vacuum cleaner is in good condition, you can carry on with the rest of your tasks.


  • Go for harmless methods – surely you are used to relying on various store-bought cleaning products to sanitise your place with. Yet your spring cleaning project is the perfect moment to consider other cleaning approaches. Eco-friendly solutions are a safer way to go, given the fact that they contain no toxins that can put your health at risk. So you should no doubt try mixing your homemade cleansers to disinfect any surface you can think of. Typically, natural solutions contain ingredients like baking soda and white vinegar, but if you stay interested in green cleaning, you can discover so many other cool cleaning mixtures to try.


  • Don’t forget the mattress – sometimes homeowners forget that their mattresses need to be thoroughly cleaned, so that dust and dirt would be banished from the bedroom. When it comes to a healthy mattress you can either count on a professional cleaning service or try to maintain the mattress by yourself. In case the first option doesn’t work for you right now, baking soda is your best bet. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the mattress and let the ingredient sit for a while. Vacuum clean the surface and your bed would become a safer place to sleep in.


  • Clean the walls – just like your mattress, chances are you forget that the walls need attention too. Although it might be less obvious, dust settles on your walls, making your home a less healthy place to live. For that reason cleaning the walls should be included in your spring cleaning checklist. To eliminate dust from the walls, simply wipe them with a damp towel.


  • Wash the windows – let the first sun rays enter your place through squeaky clean windows by washing the surfaces naturally. In a spraying bottle, mix equal amounts of water, white vinegar and rubbing alcohol. This solution would help you to remove dust and stains from the windows without involving the application of dangerous chemicals. Bear in mind that a cloudy day is the best moment for you to address the task. Or else you risk your cleaning solution evaporating before you get a chance to wash the windows.


These are the most important cleaning tasks you need to tackle this spring. Once you deal with chores from your spring cleaning checklist, you would be able to enjoy a healthy home environment for months ahead.


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