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quote 2015-09-03 11:48
His expression is taut and set; he looks as though his face is carved out of stone.

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

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review 2014-03-08 00:00
TAUT: The Ford Book: (Rook and Ronin Spinoff)
TAUT: The Ford Book: (Rook and Ronin Spinoff) - JA Huss There really are not enough words to there to describe my love for Ford!! This book was awesome!!! I could use a little of Fords weirdness in my life:)) read this!!!
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review 2014-02-13 12:28
Want to get to know Ford better?
TAUT: The Ford Book: (Rook and Ronin Spinoff) - JA Huss
*This book is recommended for a mature audience due to the fact that it includes either sexual content, violence, drug and/or alcohol abuse or all of the above*

TAUT The Ford Book- J. A. Huss
Series: Rook and Ronin spinoff #2
Published by: Selfpublished, on 20 January 2014
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotica
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Purchase

Ford Aston is known for many things. Being an emotionless, messed up bastard, a freakishly smart social outcast, and a cold, domineering master who keeps "pets" instead of girlfriends.
And after Rook broke his heart, he plans to keep it that way.
Ashleigh is known for nothing, and that's exactly what she's got going for her. She's broke, stranded in the mountains with a three month old baby, and Ford Aston is screwing with her head.
Big. Time.
And she plans to mess with his right back.
It's a coy game at first, filled with flirting, and innuendo--but Ford soon realizes something is not quite right with Ashleigh. In fact, something is seriously, seriously wrong and the closer they get to their final destination, the closer Ford gets to the truth.
One night of devastation, self-loathing, and emptiness turns into the best thing that ever happened to Ford Aston. But one day of in-your-face reality threatens Ashleigh's whole existence.

Taut is harsh. It’s always honest. It is very gritty. It is almost hopeless. Taut is filled with all the emotions Ford thought he couldn’t feel. There is also Ash, the perfect woman for Ford, even if he doesn’t realize this straight away. And of course, Kate, Ash’ three-month-old daughter is part of the seduction for Ford. He never even understood before now that he wanted and needed his own team – a home team.


I was already in love with Ford – I always knew there was more to him than what he showed people in Tragic and Panic, and Taut exceeded my expectations of him. Ash was able to worm her way into my heart very quickly, too. I could sense the tragic loss in her, and even if I guessed where she had to go and talk to Tony, it didn’t take away any of the emotions that came with those scenes at all.


A road trip, Ford finally starting to deal a little bit with his past, and opening up to another human being completely was the main attraction in Taut. At the same time, there are so many other attractions, too, and I am so happy there will be more books in the Rook and Ronin universe, these characters easily come to life with Ms. Huss words, and they are so complex and full of flaws it’s just impossible to not love them all.


The whole story is very intense, both because Ford is dealing with his demons in a way he has never done before, and because Ash has her very own demons to deal with. There is a lot of heartbreak, a lot of darkness and a tiny sliver of hope that shines on all of it. The writing grabbed me from the first word, and I could hardly sleep for want of knowing how Ford was going to react to these new feelings he discovered in himself. His growth is simply amazing – from the guy who seemed so cold and calculating to a man who is capable of caring so much he just knows he wants someone else in his life for the first time ever.


So I can let go an move on. I turn away. I walk out. And I never look back.

Ronin might have a penchant for gambling, but I have a penchant for holding grudges. Even as an infant, apparently.


I came to the conclusion a long time ago that I don’t have tears. I’m deformed. This is not logical reasoning and I realize this If I had no tears I’d need eye drops. i’d have all kinds of eye problems, and my vision is perfect. So of course, I make tears, I just don’t cry tears.


“So you’re punishing her. Because she loves you in a way that doesn’t satisfy you?” Ashleigh shakes her head. “That’s fucked up.”


“You’re like crazy sexy, Ford. And all this weird shit you do, that just adds to it. I’m not sure why, but I like your strangeness. It’s real.

Lexxie signature (un)Conventional Bookviews




5 Stars

Source: unconventionalbookviews.com/review-taut-ford-book-rook-ronin-spinoff-j-huss
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review 2010-08-07 00:00
Another Way the River Has: Taut True Tales from the Northwest
Another Way the River Has: Taut True Tales from the Northwest - Robin Cody This is a peaceful, relaxing book primarily about life on the water in and around Portland, OR. I read the first half, and it was impossible to read quickly. At the time I felt pressured to get through a big pile of books, so I've put off finishing this one until I can give it more time. This is the sort of writing that I want to absorb slowly, soaking in all the details and lingering in the strong sense of place that it evokes. Anyone who loves spending time in boats will likely enjoy this book.
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