This was a great start to an intriguing story. I can't wait to read more.
I got more an idea what was happening - although, man, the first issue in this story arc really would have been helpful - but I felt that disconnect from this Doctor: I would rather be reading about Capaldi's Doctor.
That being said, this continues to be wonderful: the writing and art are perfect for this Doctors and this story, and it continues to be charming and funny. I just was frustrated not really knowing what was going on and with this particular Doctor.
Honestly, I like all the Nu-Whos, but Capaldi is my favorite. I was less invested in this due to my attachment to one particular doctor, but I also loved a lot of the jokes in here. It felt much like an episode, including the characterizations and bizarre sci-fi plots.
But I came in on this story as part two of five. And I felt slightly lost. Between that, and the fact that I was hoping I'd be more attached to this Doctor - this was one of the two issues I could see, along with an OCY-C that I wanted in print because Ward's art deserves to be read in print - but I wasn't.
The art, by the way, is expressive, beautiful and the colors bright. It all just matches these characters and this story.
Natasha and I go to the library pretty often. One of us checks out graphic novels (sometimes both of us), then we both read them. We also watch Doctor Who together, and when that's not on, Stranger Things or Star Trek: The Next Generation. We are predictable like that, and easy to please. I was pleased, she hasn't caught up yet.
Library copy