They say “Don’t judge a book by its cover” but honestly, we all do, quite literally. When we visit a bookstore or library, there are hundreds and thousands of books on the shelves. To pick one or two of them is difficult if you already don’t have a list of books that you want to buy. So, how to make the decision otherwise? Here is a fact, most people select books by looking at its cover. It is the first impression of the book and what it contains, how intriguing it is, decides whether people will buy it or not. Therefore, it becomes essential to have a creative book design that can get the attention of readers at first glance. Before you start working on your next design project, here are 7 creative book designs to inspire you:
The Great Gatsby
Here is a book cover that draws our attention instantly for its tricky design. Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby has got various covers by this design with a yellow backdrop and a monochromatic man stands apart from others. The man on the cover is holding “Y” as a cocktail glass which surely gets the attention.
Very Recent History
Most people say that book cover should be simple and it should show the meaning and theme of the book easily. But this creative book design is nothing of that sort, it is actually just opposite to simple. You can see a lot going on in the design, reflecting the narratives of the city by the writer Choire Sicha. The credit to create this wonderful design goes to the designer Ben Wiseman who has perfectly captured the essence of multiple lives that are running parallel to each other.
The Psychopath Test
Here is a cover that depicts two sides of mental state brilliantly. Created by Matt Dorfman, the design depicts the threat of psychopathy that is looming deep down under the surface of our expectations. The book is written by Jon Ronson who has investigated the psychopathy in the general population. On the cover, you can see one side resembling formal and classic style while the other one is a ripped side, signifying craziness through snarling jungle cat.
When the Doves Disappeared
This is a moody historical book is written by Sofi Oksanen and set in Communist-ruled Estonia. The cover is the visual treat which is designed by Kelly Blair and gives a sense of mystery outstandingly.
Against Happiness
There is nothing extraordinary or tricky about the design of this book cover. On the contrary, this creative book design is iconic because of the simple elements and minimal designs. You can see a yellow coloured background with the title of the book written on it.
The Goldfinch
When the author of the book, Donna Tartt got in touch with the art director, Keith Hayes, she just had one condition that the painting should not be seen on the cover. We are talking about “The Goldfinch” painting which is a crucial part of the book. Well, the designer ended up including the painting on the cover but only giving the audience sneak peek into it.
On Such a Full Sea
You must have seen the creative book designs of many dystopian novels, most of which are flashy and colourful. This book by Chang-Rae Lee broke the stereotype by using only black and white colours and minimal hand-lettering. You can see a painted hairdo and ink marks on the letters signifying the main character of the story.
Inspiring and interesting, isn’t it? Well, there is no specific definition of the best creative book design. Sometimes even a simple and minimal design can get the attention of the audience and sometimes you have to think outside the box and come up with quirky patterns to sell the book. Whatever you create, remember to add your special touch to it and make it unique in some way.
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