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review 2019-10-10 05:38
The Grownup
The Grownup - Gillian Flynn

Huh. Well that sure was something. I'm not sure what, precisely, but something for sure. This is really a short story packaged as a novella. There's not a lot of meat on these bones, but what is there is interesting. The voice is strong and the language evocative. This one is best experienced rather than described. Just a nibble of a book, but one I will likely remember farther down the road.

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review 2018-10-17 13:03
Broken House / The Grownup!!!
Broken House - Düstere Ahnung: Eine Story - Gillian Flynn,Christine Strüh

German and english review (spoilerfree)


Ich hatte keine Ahnung was ich von dem Buch erwarten soll. Es hatte gerade mal 62 Seiten und auf dem Buchrücken keine Inhaltsangabe. Trotzdem musste ich es unbedingt haben. Und bevor ich es dann zu lesen angefangen habe, habe ich auch garnicht erst im Internet geforscht, was in dem Buch nun auf mich warten wird. Und das war auch gut so.


Gillian Flynn (!!!) schafft es einfach immer wieder mich total mit ihren Schreibstil und ihren Geschichten zu begeistern (und zu verstören). Eigentlich wollte ich das Buch ja in einem Rutsch durchlesen, doch es war mitten in der Nacht und eigenartige Dinge sind in dem Buch passiert, bei dem ich Angsthase Tageslicht brauchte.


Es gab keine 5 Sterne von mir, weil ich ein Mensch bin, der nach einer Geschichte gerne alle Antworten auf die Fragen im Buch hat und die gab es hier nicht, weil es kein wirkliches Ende gab. Ansonsten war das Buch einfach großartig.




I had absolutely no idea what to expect from this book. It has about 62 pages and no summary on the back of the book. But I had to have it. And before I actually started reading it, I avoided reading up on it on the internet to figure out what this book would be about. And I'm so glad I did it like that.


Gillian Flynn (!!!) does it every damn time. She always amazes (and disturbes) me with her writing and her stories. Originally I planned on reading this book in one sitting, but it was the middle of the night and weird ass shit started to happen in the book, and because I'm the scaredy-cat I needed actual daylight to finish the story.


The only reason this didn't get a 5 star rating, is the fact that I'm the type of person that needs to have all the answers to all the questions at the end of the book, and I didn't get them cause there wasn't an actual ending to the story. Other than that, the book was awesome.

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review 2018-04-08 22:29
Is this a joke?
The Grownup - Gillian Flynn

Very junior and bad concept. Bad story development. Substitutes supposedly "shocking" language about sex for actual interesting story. Seems this author doesn't know how to pull emotions from story, so relies on sexual imagery as a poor substitute. No twist that isn't a very standard, average "who cares" twist - not even worth mentioning. Illogical behavior, illogical actions: In a supposedly large home, the fake psychic has washed "all the walls" more than once to purify the home — ladder anyone? And wait! What about the floors and ceiling? On top of it, what was the purpose of even bringing wall washing into the story since it went absolutely nowhere? Does this seem a silly thing to even mention? Now do you get it? That's the type of "story" this is. It's an embarrassment to actual stories. 

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review 2017-01-25 22:07
The Grownup ~ Gillian Flynn
The Grownup - Gillian Flynn

I didn't stop giving hand jobs because I wasn't good at it. I stopped giving hand jobs because I was the best at it.

Skilled as a con artist from a young age, an unnamed woman has morphed her business of deception as a soft-core sex worker and then later, a psychological intuitive. When she meets Susan, sad, lonely, rich Susan the narrator really decides its her time to go for it-- to get recommendations from Susan's friends and make her business exploiting poor gullible housewives.

I received this book as a freebie in my Book of the Month subscription and I absolutely loved it! I can't say much more about the plot but Gillian Flynn writes narcissistic women like no other author! Her eloquence and unsettling candor is bone-chilling at times.

There was a little bit of everything in this story--humor, the paranormal, a child to rival Damien, and a small tinge of horror. The ending is left ambiguous which definitely spiked the creepy mood BUT I would have liked just a little MORE-- at least one of the several ends tied up! Ugh so good! You got me Mz Flynn!

But I wasn't a well-read bookworm; I was just a dumb whore in the right library.

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review 2017-01-09 21:25
Gillian, you're a f*cking psycho...and I love it!
The Grownup - Gillian Flynn

Super short - read this in less than an hour. But yeah, typical Gillian. You know there's going to be a twist, so you keep waiting for it and trying to figure it out, and damn if she doesn't just surprise you anyways! And even when the twist is revealed...is it really what it seems? Okay, now we know. Oh wait, maybe we...don't?

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