Book One of The Legends of Camber of Culdi
Every once in a while I get the urge to revisit old favourites and Katherine Kurtz's Deryni novels are definitely faves of mine. I think the Camber books and the Heirs of Camber books are some of Katherine's strongest work.
Yeah, there's stuff in here that might be problematic these days - I mean, it was originally published in 1976 - but I can deal with that. I'm happy to say that although I notice the problems over 40 years later (with a few rereads between), they don't impinge on my enjoyment of the book.
Magic, intrigue, memorable characters, tension, humour, tragedy, it's all here. I still cry at certain passages and chuckle out loud at others. (More crying than chuckling in this one.)
Yeah, still faves, even 40+ years later. :)