This book was way better than I expected. I thought it would be a contemporary romance, but it was more than that.
I fell in love with the writing in this book. I read We Were Liars quite a long time ago and I did not remember the writing to be that good, even if I liked it. I really enjoyed it in this book.
The plot is not the best, honestly; not a lot happened in the book. But the idea behind it was really original.
The characters were complex and I really liked discovering more about all of them. Frankie is such an amazing character; I wanted to know more about her. She wants to belong and she would do anything for it. She really is determined to achiever her goals. That is something I liked about her. What I did not like that much was how she reacted to her boyfriend and to men in general. But I think it was important to the development of the book and it was well done in my opinion.
This book is full of interesting lessons, it made you think about a lot of different issues and I liked that. Like in We Were Liars, you expect something light and end up with quite a heavy book.
I totally recommend reading this. Also, it is not really long and I read it really quickly because I could not put it down, it was entertaining, fun but also really interesting!