What Is Thought Leadership? And When You Should Use It? Know How Thought Leadership Leads You to Influence Your Target Audience & Maintain Authority in Market
What Is Thought Leadership? And When You Should Use It? Know How Thought Leadership Leads You to Influence Your Target Audience & Maintain Authority in Market
Health Is Wealth of human body: Health we are talking about is well being of Human Body, which is a boon for us. Our body has a strong complex network with in it, which works very systematically and highly coordinated with our nine organ systems. If any of the system is unable to function properly the whole coordination with in the body gets disturbed and one tends to fall ill. This was also defined by, the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948.
In fact Good “Health” refers to the union of physical, mental and spiritual health
READ MORE: Latest health and fitness updates
Title: Thought We Had Forever
Author: LaQuita Cameron
Publisher: Shan Presents, LLC
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Thought We Had Forever" by LaQuita Cameron
My Thoughts.....
What a read that will definitely leave you 'speechless.' The characters from Linx, Reesee, Angel, Vincent to Harriet to name a few will definitely give the reader quite a dramatic read. I don't know who I felt more sorrier for between Reesee and Angel. To me they both were quite a trip! Those two....Linx and Vincent ...really? Anyway we are left with a cliffhanger... 'To be continued....So, we are left wondering what is happening! So, be ready for a very interesting read that will keep you turning the pages to see what is going to happen next with these characters..
Thank you to the author for the read and my giving a honest opinion of the read.
Title: I Thought This Was Love
Author: Shani Greene-Dowdell & B. Sparks
Publisher: S. G. D.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"I Thought This Was Love" by Shani Greene-Dowdell & B. Sparks
My View...
Now this was one of those stories that will have you shaking you head and saying will Solange Miller ever learn that maybe this Rodrick Carter was bad news. Oh, maybe she realized it but what was it about him that Solange seemed not to be able to resist him even after all he had done to her? How in the world did she think this was love? I found from this story I was really feeling sorry for this heroine [shaking my head many times] because Solange wouldn't listen to her mom or even her best friend, CoCo. However, it always seemed that CoCo was always their for her dear friend by being in her corner no matter what Solange was up to or going through. With CoCo bringing Douglas Michaelson into the picture was one good thing. However, will Solange finally realize the error of her ways before it's too late and stick with a plan that made sense? I felt the story was a little slow at times but very easy to keep up with. I just keep wondering if Solange would get some common sense before it was too late for her? To found out how this story will all come out the reader will have to pick up this read and see just how these author will bring it all out. That ending...well you will have to see for yourself which direction Solange will go.