I wish I could say that I loved this story and it entertained me. I can't. The premise was an interesting concept but, in the end, not much different from your average love story. Very little was explained about the time travel and its possibilities. Nothing very scientific to it at all. I'm not big on romance unless there's an interesting plot line. Lots of potential here but I couldn't take much more of the undying love confessions. I never understand stories where lovers fall madly in love in a week or shortly after their first encounter and profess undying love forever and ever. Even weirder here is a young girl madly, obsessively in love with a movie star she has fantasized over her entire life and upon meeting, both feel an otherworldly pull to each other. That meeting occurs when she's twenty three and movie star guy is EIGHTY FIVE. Nah. I don't buy it. Not one moment of it. I'm sorry. It was just kind of icky. The entirety of the book was spent trying to convince me otherwise. Nope. I'm over it. Mildly entertaining.
*I was provided with a DRC from indieBRAG. www.bragmedallion.com