Not too much to say about this one except it really didn't work for me (Lucas's family in danger again) and that the ending was pretty lackluster. Having Sandford bring up Clara Rinker in reference to Senator Taryn Grant was hilarious to me. Clara would have eaten Grant for breakfast. Lucas a marshal does not interest me much anymore. Most of the time he is just driving or flying someone and now with his two side-kicks (Rae and Bob) it just makes me miss the Minnesota cops much more.
"Twisted Prey" has Senator Taryn Grant up to her old tricks and trying to take out a rival. At this point she would definitely fit in with our current Senate set-up. I maybe laughed at the mention of the Twitter in Chief. So we have confirmation that Davenport's world is now synced up to our own and I am sad all over again. There's not much there in this story. We get shades of Blackwater in this one with former military people doing some underhanded things and Lucas almost getting murdered. And then he, Rae, and Bob trying to put the puzzles together. This just didn't grab me like previous books.