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review 2016-08-16 04:15
Geek Mojo

WizardWizard by Stephanie James

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sometimes you just want to read an old school category romance, and that's why I ended up reading this. Plus, I never could resist a Nerd Hero. This is also a bit of an opposites attract kind of book. Sophy is the normal intellect daughter of two academic geniuses and she has a chip on her shoulder about academics. She likes cowboys. Her parents have mostly given up on making her in their image, but they are still trying to pair her up with an intellectual so they can have genius grandchildren. So of course, they push Max in her direction when he comes to Dallas for some consulting work, getting Max to meet her while he's in town.

Sophy is downright insulting to Max, initially, pretty much calling him dull as ditchwater to his face, and citing her preference for cowboys. Max is enchanted with Sophy and very, very jealous of her cowboy she's currently dating. For Max, it's practically love at first sight. He resolves to spend as much time with her as possible, and he ends up seducing her into giving this academic the old college try.

Stephanie James is a pen name for Jayne Ann Krentz and you can tell. Ms. Krentz/James seems to prefer intelligent, but very masculine alpha types, and well, who can blame her? I liked Max. He has a big POV, and you realize that he's a very layered man. Under his calm, intellectual exterior lurks a crouching tiger. I can see that he was more than willing to fight for his woman. I love a hero who doesn't give up on his heroine and pursues her despite all obstacles.

Although Sophy did come off a little bratty at first, it's apparent, she's a very sweet person. It was her way of dealing with the hurt of always being the normal kid around overachievers. I like that even though Max massacred the steak (steak-grilling is apparently a skill all men must possess or lose their man card), she still stroked his ego about it. That was very sweet of her. She didn't have to do that. She could have destroyed his fragile male ego, but she didn't. I like that Sophy is also very well-developed. She is a talented seamstress and designer, and her flair for color and design is apparent, even in the face of people (including her parents, dismissing it as trivial).

I lived in Dallas as a teenager (high school), and James captures it well. I have a book fondness for cowboys, but my real life experiences with them has left me disenchanted. Sophy's beau reminded me of some of the cowboys I went to school with, and he lives down to my worst experiences of that type. I can't say I ever met a real life cowboy I found sexy, but I will still cherish my fictional cowboys. However, nerds always win out. Max is one sexy nerd. I like that he's very supportive of Sophy and never treats her like she's his intellectual inferior. He seems to understand that being a book smart person isn't the sum total of experience. I liked that although her parents don't get her, Sophy's parents do love her, and she loves them. I think it took courage for Sophy to forge her own path, despite the fact that it took her in a very different direction from her family's aspirations.

This book lives up to the charm that old school category romances will always hold for me. It's amazing how much story a skilled writer can tell in under 200 pages. I'm really glad I was drawn in by the nerd angle, and I've enjoyed all the Stephanie James books I've read--this is no exception I'd recommend this if you can get a copy of it.

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review 2016-03-29 00:16
The Right Kind of Girl - Betty Neels

I found this book to be very frustrating than her other books, I found the H Paul very confusing, unlikable aswell as frustrating and I thought the h Emma was a bit of a doormat with him because he would do his own thing and she would be left on her own, I know it's a marriage of convenience but I would like to see a bit of affection lol.

As usual we have the ow but this time she's just a troublemaker who isn't the ow but wants to be and she runs the orphanage where Emma goes to work part tine seeing as Paul leaves her on her own alot and Diana sees an opportunity to cause trouble by getting Emma to help some people who are stranded and when Paul finds out she tells him that Emma wanted to go on her own and not get an ambulance, so Paul and Emma argue and this is the point now where I really dislike Paul as he tells Emma that "Diana is worth a dozen of you"when she tries to explain about what Diana really said and the only reason he eventually believes her is when a lady who works at the orphanage tells him that she overheard what had been said and that Diana had been lying.

Now I'm expecting him to come home to Emma and for him to apolgise and grovel to her but he doesn't and somehow towards the end despite all the trouble the ow had caused she's the one who is apologising to him when he tells her he'll go to America on his own, I'm pleased there was a part where he goes and tells Diana what he thinks of her but I think he is one of the worst characters out of all Betty's books for saying that to Emma and I would have liked to have seen Emma grow a backbone rather than choosing to be second best if he went with Diana.

I would have liked it better if she threw him out whilst explaining what had really happened, divorce him, let Diana know that's all hers now and then marry someone who thinks she's worth a dozen over any woman, I thought the ending as usual was very quick and I still didn't see him apologise to her, not at all satisfying and it's all to do with that comment lol.

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review 2016-03-04 02:46
The Hasty Marriage (Best of Betty Neels) - Betty Neels
This book kind of took me out of my comfort zone, I've read Betty's stories where the H is engaged to another woman which is fine because to the h that woman is a stranger and the H always ends up falling in love with the h and then he finds a way to break up that engagement and alls well that ends well but in this book I found it a bit uncomforting that he proposes to the h Laura's spoilt little sister and when her sister elopes with another man, Laura who in my eyes has no dignity or pride decides to marry him in her sister's place and he basically tells her that she is second best.
I would have been happier reading the book if Laura despite being in love with the H had just packed up everything she had and then tells the H that her sister belongs to him now and then she moves on to a better life and then marry someone who loves her and puts her first but as from what I've written above she doesn't lol.
I did like that Laure had some backbone and that the H Reilof did get jealous when she made his friends with his younger partner, I didn't like how she kept comparing to herself to her sister and it made me chuckle when Reilof tells Laura he basically married a similar woman to her sister years ago and yet he couldn't see that history would have been repeating itself, he wasn't very tactful towards her and most of the time he kept her down without knowing it and obviously her sister comes back and causes trouble which makes Laura eventually leave which I was happy about as I was hoping throughout the book that she would but Reilof eventually finds her and basically tells her she's no longer second best and it's a happy ending all round but I think in the future that if her sister came back free and single he would probably take her as his mistress because to me that what her sister is stereotyped as in these books lol.
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2016-03-04 01:09
The Girl with Green Eyes - Betty Neels

This book I liked but not as much as her others, I couldn't really see the chemistry between the h Lucy and H William and I thought he spent most of the time with the ow Fiona than with Lucy despite him falling in love with her, I would have liked to have seen him woo Lucy. I did like the explanation he gave her towards the end that Fiona meant nothing to him and was all about having fun and taking her out whenever he got bored but all I could think was he must have been bored all the time considering the amount of time he spent with her lol and I wished Lucy did actually try and move on but she spent most of the time plotting ways in how to marry him but I did like near the end when he got a taste of his own medicine when he got falsely told that she was going to marry another man despite himself proposing to her beforehand. I liked Lucy but she was always putting herself down and I thought she was a little on the stalker side lol and I found her family condescending especially about the orphanage where she worked at, I liked the ending especially where Fiona causes mischief but like all the others she wasn't very clever, the ending wasn't that satisfactory as it ended too quickly, I would have liked to have read about them going to her family and reading about their reactions but I'm happy that we did see Fiona's reaction when she realised that no matter what William would never marry her.

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review 2016-03-01 16:22
Romantic Encounter - Betty Neels
This book got me straight away and I havent been able to put it down, I had mixed feelings about the H Alexander but Florence I did like, she was fiery as she was described in the book and in this one she wasn't a plain Jane which makes me think if she was perhaps Alexander might have softened towards her lol. Alexander did eventually grow on me but just like Florence when you began to like him he would do a big turn around and you would begin to dislike him again.
I liked how Florence stood up to herself when it came to the ow who didn't do much mischief and it made a nice change and I liked the settings and Florence's family, I enjoyed it when Alexander got a little jealous but didn't show it when she talks to an engaged co worker at the hospital and I enjoyed the ending despite it being short.
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