Midu Reads
— feeling misdoubt
One or two sound really weird!
So It Was Just Sitting There At This Used Book Sale...
This isn't as interesting as you'd think it might be (unless you enjoy reading text mixed with lots of equations). At one time it was a library book, now marked "withdrawn" - I assume because it's from 1977 and thus out of date info-wise. I'm on the fence about getting rid of this. On one hand, it'd be a great book to hollow out and keep things in. On the other hand, the spine of the book is damaged where the library tag was ripped off, and the same with that white spot above the title on the cover.
Anyway, it's going in the Do You Really Want This pile while I pack and think about it. Along with another humorously titled (but dull) book: Weed Science, Principles and Practices.