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review 2017-03-23 10:29
Science-Fiction at its best.
The Word Endangered (The Face of the Deep, Book 3) - Steve Rzasa

This was a fantastic read. I love classic science-fiction adventure (opera?) novels done well and this is a perfect example. Steve Rzasa's novels keep getting better and this is the best one yet in the series. I did not read Broken Sight which takes place prior to this story but I look forward to doing so.


Overall, the writing is excellent an awesome story and indepth plot-line that expands the created universe. I really hope this is not the end of this series. Such a unique concept for a series.


A must read!

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review 2016-02-16 00:00
Sex is a Funny Word: A Book about Bodies, Feelings, and YOU
Sex is a Funny Word: A Book about Bodies... Sex is a Funny Word: A Book about Bodies, Feelings, and YOU - Cory Silverberg,Fiona Smyth I really appreciated that this book spoke genuinely to the (presumably young) reader and didn't try to push any moral agendas or present body-negativity. Even as an adult, I loved the simple way things were stated and the thoughtful questions posed at the end of each chapter.
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url 2015-11-25 04:21
Two Editions Of The Same Book Demonstrate How Our Society Has Changed In 30 Years
The Best Word Book Ever; More Than 1400 Objects - Richard Scarry

This children book has changed to be more gentle equal

and inclusive. 



Because he loved the book so much as a child, Alan immediately noticed that the 1991 edition had some pretty obvious changes. Most of the updates reflected the changes in society, many in reference to gender equality.


And this illustration shows Mom and Dad working together in the kitchen, as traditional gender roles had shifted and evolved between 1963 and 1991.


On the playground, the characters' genders were switched up, too, as the sexes became less strictly separated.


That's a good start. 


The page on jobs has changed, too. While the teacher was switched from a female to a male, other occupations — like a train conductor and a soldier — were swapped out for a photographer and a judge. It's hard to say exactly why this was done.


Some changes, though, don't seem to make sense at all. The name of this sailboat has been changed, and its flag has disappeared.


Gretel was the name of an Australian America's Cup challenger and Sydney to Hobart race winner. So was White Swan in the late 1980's. The change reflected not only that, but the boat no longer used a woman's name, as it gives the wrong message of objectifying women. 


Pretty nice changes. 

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review 2015-06-26 05:50
The Safe Word (The Eleanor Raven Series Book 1) - Karen Long

At first when I started reading this I was like mmmm, I checked this out and it's supposed to be about a killer on the loose, not a chapter from 50 Shades of Grey. Thankfully, after the first few pages, it went on to become the book I thought I had chosen.

This one gets a little creepy just because of the way the scenes play out. And I seriously thought I knew who the killer was until the very end. And, I was wrong. I think this was an entertaining story and I liked the characters. There were even a few, very few, chuckles.

Thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review this e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2015-03-30 15:48
The Safe Word - Review.
The Safe Word (The Eleanor Raven Series Book 1) - Karen Long

Publication Date: Available Now


Source: Author Review Copy.


There are rules that every player of every game must abide by, no matter how dangerous the sport.
Toronto has become the backdrop to a macabre set of artistic installations: women kidnapped, tortured and horrifically displayed by a killer with a vision.
Only someone capable of understanding the killer’s creative desire will be able to stop the murders and D I Eleanor Raven is uniquely qualified. Driven by a complex personality she pursues only the facts, only the things she can see, but never casts a judgement.
But she also has a dark and dangerous secret – one that will threaten her very survival.


This is one of those books that I suddenly noticed everyone raving about on Twitter so I was very happy when the author sent me a copy for review purposes – and blimey it packed a HELL of a punch with one of the best openings I’ve seen in a crime novel for a while which was then followed by a highly compelling story with some terrifically drawn characters.


Eleanor Raven is a beautifully drawn character, dark and delicious, highly intelligent and one who doesnt suffer fools gladly OR apologise for who she is. This makes for a great read especially when she is faced with a dangerous killer, one she is uniquely placed to capture. Still, he leads her on a merry dance and it is fascinating and addictive storytelling with a seductive and sensual edge.


The mystery element is well imagined and will keep you guessing – the dark underbelly of Toronto comes to vivid life as Eleanor and cohorts follow the trail that leads to danger and desire – a really terrific tale that will keep you up long into the night.


Overall a really most excellent read – definitely comes highly recommended from me and I’m looking forward to reading the next Raven novel which is lined up on my Kindle as we speak.


Happy Reading Folks!

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