You should read the whole series, but this is particularly relevant with the climate.
Wherever Roxane Gay decides to shop her new book, BUY IT and show S&S this kind of faux-concern over censorship vs. giving a nazi a book deal is appalling.
You should read the whole series, but this is particularly relevant with the climate.
Wherever Roxane Gay decides to shop her new book, BUY IT and show S&S this kind of faux-concern over censorship vs. giving a nazi a book deal is appalling.
So apparently in California, the police teamed up to do an ad video for Wall's Ice Cream. They pulled over random vehicles for "looking too serious", made up a traffice violation, had several officers surround their vehicle. Then surprised them with ice cream, it was all a stunt.
So many people think this is so funny, I would be pissed! I'd end up in jail for throwing that ice cream cone in the police officer's smug face! They made one poor woman cry and then said "take off your sunglasses!" so the camera could see the tears. Seriously? That's funny? Falsely pulling people over and wasting their time while making them believe they violated traffic laws for a prank video? What the fuck is wrong with these police!
Yes, I suppose that is too much to ask. Trolls in general are very unintelligent. I almost didn't even reply with more than an lol but oh well.
This is seriously some kind of early April Fool's Day joke. It has to be! Either that or the entire UN needs to be dismantled because they are laughably ignorant or incompetant..or both.
So these are countries we should be letting vote on issues of international human kay. Let's look at that.
China: Arrests activists who protest against government policy, restricts internet use, suppressed minorities, and let's not even get started on how China feels about Tibet.
Saudi Arabia: lashes female rape victims in the streets, beheads homosexuals, doesn't allow women to have driver's licenses (among many others), and has public lashings, beheadings, stonings, amputations, and eye gougings.
Cuba: accusations of torture amongst prisoners and arresting activists with no cause
Russia: Has laws against homosexuals, arrests activists who protest government policy, fordibly evict people from their homes at gunpoint and seize their houses, oh yeah and we learned this week that they have cameras in their hotel bathrooms.
What the fuck is going on here? Have I fallen asleep and woken up in some alternate universe?