From the jungles of Tarzan to outer space and beyond, the apes in these remarkable tales boldly go where humans dare not. Provocative and fantastical, this clever anthology delves into the cultural fascination with—and dread of—humanity's simian cousins. In "Evil Robot Monkey," a disgruntled...
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From the jungles of Tarzan to outer space and beyond, the apes in these remarkable tales boldly go where humans dare not. Provocative and fantastical, this clever anthology delves into the cultural fascination with—and dread of—humanity's simian cousins. In "Evil Robot Monkey," a disgruntled chimp receives an implant that makes him more cunning than his cohort and humans alike; and a murder mystery unravels with the discovery of a hair that does not appear quite human in the classic Poe tale, "Murders in the Rue Morgue." Merging steampunk with slapstick, "The Ape-Box Affair" has a not-so-ordinary orangutan landing on Earth in a spherical flying ship—where he is promptly mistaken for an alien; and Joe R. Lansdale has King Kong setting a terrible example with booze and Barbie dolls in "Godzilla's Twelve-Step Program." Intertwining beloved classics with inventive new writings, this collection explores the lighter and darker sides of these furry primates and holds a mirror to man's deepest anxieties and desires.
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