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The Assassin's Curse - Community Reviews back

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Christina Reads YA
Christina Reads YA rated it 12 years ago
Was given this book from Wendy, of The Midnight Garden via the March giveaway. Still have to read, so I can review it + [b:The Pirate's Wish|15714476|The Pirate's Wish (The Assassin's Curse, #2)|Cassandra Rose Clarke|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1352903412s/15714476.jpg|21383294].
reading and wishing
reading and wishing rated it 12 years ago
WHERE IS THE SEQUEL?!! Seriosuly though, this was fun and refreshing and I loved it.
nessochist rated it 12 years ago
This is an accurate portrayal of me after reading The Assassin's Curse: In fact. You know, what? Hit it:Ananna is a pirate, born and raised and on the high seas is where she spends her days. Sword fightin', riggin', stealing your loot. Handy with a lie and a knife in her boot. All she wants is ...
 Stacia in Progress
Stacia in Progress rated it 12 years ago
Give this at least 3 chapters......okay, maybe 4 chapters......come to think of it, go with 5, just to be safe...3.5 stars. I can't remember where I got hooked, but it took a short amount of time. But when it happened, I was all in. It was sort of like when I read Graceling and felt like the story d...
Let the Sky Fall
Let the Sky Fall rated it 12 years ago
“I don't trust beautiful people.”When I first read the blurb of The Assassin's Curse I was super excited. Pirates! Assassins! Curses! What could go wrong?Unfortunately though, in the end it didn't really live up to its hype. The first half of the book was extremely boring and uneventful, and the sto...
kindleaholic rated it 12 years ago
4.5 stars. I really got into this one. The pages flew by and I had a lot of fun reading it. You know I love YA, and I can usually handle ones set in high school, but I've read lots of those lately. I LOVE that this is a YA fantasy outside of the schoolroom, in a completely unique world. Ananna is a ...
GizmosReviews rated it 12 years ago
*Genre* Fantasy, Pirates, Assassins, Witches, Supernatural*Rating* 3.5-4*Review*A really interesting story filled with twists and turns and mysteries around! I loved Ananna of the Tanarau character. She's the daughter of a fairly wealthy Pirate family and has no intentions of marrying anyone let alo...
Books For YA!
Books For YA! rated it 12 years ago
This review can also be found on Books For YA!The Assassin's Curse started with Ananna as she prepared herself to meet her soon-to-be husband, Tarrin. To make it short, their first meeting did not go well, so Annana decided to runaway. But before she could leave, Tarrin threatened her that his fathe...
Book Chelle
Book Chelle rated it 12 years ago
Review posted on Dark Faerie Tales.There are many fantasy books out there, each claiming to be an adventure worth the read. Folks, The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke is one of those books. Clarke is a debut author for 2012 and she has done a fantastic job. The Assassin’s Curse is a specta...
Ashleigh Paige
Ashleigh Paige rated it 12 years ago
Also appears on my blog, The YA Kitten!And the hype catches me yet again, making me the mouse to its dangerous, cheese-holding mousetrap. With the promise of pirates, assassins, and magic, it lured me in and made me think it was going to be good. Instead, I barely enjoyed reading The Assassin's Curs...
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