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The Girl of Fire and Thorns (Fire and Thorns #1) - Community Reviews back

by Rae Carson
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Emily S
Emily S rated it 11 years ago
Wow. WOW.I'm completely unable to put together a coherent thought, let alone a coherent review. I may attempt it later, when my brain recovers.
Writing My Own Fairy Tale
Writing My Own Fairy Tale rated it 11 years ago
So good! I just wish I had Crown of Embers so I could start it right now!
good english
good english rated it 11 years ago
This is not an objective review, AT ALL. The Girl of Fire and Thorns reminded me a lot of the YA Christian romance/fantasy books I read as a younger teen -- but better. Being SO IMPATIENT to get to something as racy as a kiss? Ridiculous, but I loved it the way I love grilled cheese and old musicals...
Jenn's Books
Jenn's Books rated it 11 years ago
Loved it! The fantasy world Carson created has Spanish influences which was awesome. Elisa is a great protagonist. She's smart, resourceful, and easy to root for. I can't wait to see where the story goes next.
MargaretBolingMullin rated it 11 years ago
7/9/13 ** Re-read; this is time 3. Thinking a lot about the idea of religion. Individuals believe God is on their side, but those on the other side also believe in God. Wondering how this juxtaposition will be resolved in the third book, The Bitter Kingdom.6/14 & 6/16/12 ** I enjoyed this YA fant...
Read Fragment
Read Fragment rated it 11 years ago
Somehow I lost track of this book, between DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE and SHADOW AND BONE (the first I adored, the other I enjoyed). So rave review after rave review moved past me, I clicked on assuming I had already enjoyed the book they lauded. Finally, another Goodreads friend caught my mistake...
melissawritergrrlreads rated it 11 years ago
When I was younger, I devoured fantasy stories. Unicorns, dragons and magical lands were my favourites, especially if the book was written by Piers Anthony. Then something happened, I grew up and I lost my interest in fantasy. I've tried to jump back into the genre a few times, but found the plot...
Bows & Bullets Book Blog
Bows & Bullets Book Blog rated it 11 years ago
****CONTAINS SPOILERS AND GENERAL RANTINESS****Elisa has known her entire life that she was chosen for greatness. On the day of her naming ceremony, God’s light shined on her and she was blessed with the Godstone in her navel. She thinks Mr Almighty has made a grave error because she doesn’t see a...
Alicia Wright Brewster
Alicia Wright Brewster rated it 11 years ago
I picked up a copy of this at the RT Convention!
99 problems, and a book ain't one
99 problems, and a book ain't one rated it 11 years ago
The Girl of Fire and Thorns is a hard book to rate. I feel like the first 35% of the book was about 2stars and the rest was a 5star rating. In the beginning there was so much self loathing coming from Elisa that it was honestly off putting. I get that she was over weight, it really didn't need to be...
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