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The Island of Doctor Moreau - Community Reviews back

by H.G. Wells, Patrick Parrinder
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politerobot rated it 12 years ago
This was quite a bit more disturbing and disgusting than I had thought it would be from the start. The descriptions of the Beast Men and the torturous vivisections made by Doctor Moreau was really awful to read. Liked the book as a whole, though not as much as other books of Wells', because I'm a bi...
Reading Slothfully
Reading Slothfully rated it 12 years ago
This is a science-fiction classic...I suppose. It was ok, but nothing special. Dr. Moreau has figured out how to change the characteristics of various animals by grafting parts from one onto another. Perhaps he also plays with their blood via transfusion. Whatever, he can turn sloths and pumas into ...
amartianmonkey rated it 12 years ago
Edward Prendick is stranded on an island with a mad scientist/vivisectionist , Dr. Moreau, and his assistant Montgomery who are performing horrendous and terrible experiments that lead to beast-like creatures that talk and behave like men with their own version of The Law to live by.As the days go b...
Julian Meynell's Books
Julian Meynell's Books rated it 12 years ago
H.G. Wells was one of the first Science Fiction writer and here proves again why he is still the best. In addition to prefiguring genetic engineering, Wells does what most SF writers can not do and brings us a novel of deep psychological insight. Wells was always torn between his official socialis...
Chris' Eclectic Book Reviews
Chris' Eclectic Book Reviews rated it 13 years ago
Reading The Invisible Man inspired me to re-read this classic. I will be writing a review when I finish.*******It isn't a surprise that The Island of Dr. Moreau is often listed as one of top 100 novels of all time. Dripping with atmosphere and filled with a pitch dark portrayal of the suffering inf...
AmySea rated it 13 years ago
I've read a few of H.G. Wells' books, and I've enjoyed the ones I've read. The Island of Dr. Moreau, however, seemed a bit superficial. I didn't really get a good sense of what motivated Dr. Moreau, I never felt a sustained sense of the horror/abhorrence/fear that must have been experienced by Pre...
CarlAlves rated it 13 years ago
Prior to reading this novel, I was very familiar with the story, having watched at least one movie adaptation. The story is a classic one, and I imagine most readers would be familiar with at least the concept prior to reading. The concept of the story is a good one, but the writing style is a bit d...
D3's Booklog
D3's Booklog rated it 13 years ago
2 - 2.5 stars. Not a bad book by any means, but perhaps the fact that I knew the basic story and ideas that would be presented caused it to have less impact for me. Wells was laying the ground work for what would become the basic ideas and concerns of the science fiction genre in his ouvre, but this...
Marvin's Bookish Blog
Marvin's Bookish Blog rated it 13 years ago
H. G. Wells was one of my favorite authors when I was a child. However, I agree with Kathryn that I can't think of one singular novel of Wells that I would rate at five stars. Perhaps, The Time Machine, but I will have to wait for a reread to see if that is true. The Island of Dr. Moreau comes the c...
Tower of Iron Will
Tower of Iron Will rated it 14 years ago
One of the deepest of all philosophical questions is "what does it mean to be a human being?" In Dr. Moreau Wells addresses the question and offers some unflattering answers. Moreau is a scientist without ethics and a human without compassion. The beast men are a mix of savage and sycophant, but ...
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