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The Island of Doctor Moreau - Community Reviews back

by H.G. Wells, Patrick Parrinder
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mashahsam rated it 14 years ago
Readundant rated it 15 years ago
This book will always be indelibly associated in my mind with an ailing, bloated Marlon Brandon mumbling through his part as the title character while being followed around by a tiny, identically dressed dwarf. I'm sorry, H.G. Wells, that's just the way it is.This is a pretty good sci-fi horror stor...
FriedEgg rated it 15 years ago
What Wells did in just over a hundred pages most modern authors would have taken at least five times as many pages to do. Ok, perhaps then the characters could have been developed a little more thoroughly but I feel that this book has gained more than it's lost for it's brevity.For me the book is ex...
Arbie's Unoriginally Titled Book Blog
There must be few educated people alive today who are unaware of the theory of evolution of species, even if they do not know the technical details or if they reject it out right. It is difficult in such a society to imagine the startlement, even shock, many people experienced when Darwin's ideas be...
Kaethe rated it 56 years ago
I really don't know why I keep thinking that Wells' stories aren't any good. Before much reading time had passed I was talking to the Spouse about how much more plausible and realistic the story was than I thought it was going to be. And also, his structure is good, how he brings the reader in, how ...
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