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Discussion: Bug Reports
posts: 15 views: 53144 last post: 5 years ago
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Sorry to take so long, I didn't mark the books that were a problem before (and I was adding a bunch so I don't remember which they were) so this had to wait till I had it happen again.
Here's a GR link to one book this just happened with.

if I search by that edition's ISBN 1623007208 here on booklikes I get this page

But using the shelve it bookmarklet just takes me to the dashboard.

ETA here's another that's probably something unrelated (and which isn't what I was talking about in the previous post- I haven't seen this happen before that I can recall) but
this GR book https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27423184
brings up a completely different title on BL http://booklikes.com/gaia-the-practical-science-of-planetary-medicine-james-e-lovelock/book,1164039
but searching on the ASIN B017JAJCX4 brings up the correct book here on BL http://booklikes.com/crash-plus-expenses-astrid-amara/book,13542816

Thanks for your reply

We will check it
Several months ago, when BL first introduced the option of customising the shelf lists (being able to choose which columns appeared), I reported that the shelf table didn't align correctly on the page if you chose a lot of columns. I'm wondering if this is scheduled to be fixed at all?

As it is right now, even if I maximise my shelf window, the book list table goes off the screen on the right hand side, while leaving a huge amount of white space to the left of the table. In order for it to display correctly, I have to constantly go in and turn on/turn off columns.
Hi there,
Thanks a lot for your report.
At present, it is expedient, because if is chosen a lot of columns and we make that too narrow will not properly display the shelve both.
Perhaps, if indeed will be founded a decent solution, we will fix it.
We are very sorry for this complication.
Warm regards,
I understand you don't want the columns to be too narrow, but the table itself - the *whole* table - shifts to the right when you expand the window, leaving a *huge* amount of blank space on the left side. If you could just align the table to the left it would help a lot.

I can send a screenshot of what I mean, but you can easily see it if you go in and select all the columns, then expand the browser window. The entire table "travels" to the right as you expand the window.
If you go to http://booklikes.com/chocolat-joanne-harris/book,203997 and click on the "Other Editions (33)" link, you get a page that says "No Books Found". There are definitely other editions, as I tied two of them together just to be sure. In addition, I've tried to view the other editions from the book page of several different editions, with no luck - they all say "No Books Found".

This seems to be a general problem, as I just tried it with this book: http://booklikes.com/a-pelican-at-blandings-p-g-wodehouse/book,868885 and got the same "No editions found".
Could we have some screens of that problem?

As for the "Other Editions...", please, change a language on 'All'
If it does not help, also attach a screenshot.

Please, contact me by iurii.ganushchak@booklikes.com or contact@booklikes.com
I'm sending the screenshots of the shelf thing to you now.

The editions page fixed itself, I think. About an hour after I reported it, I was able to access editions. Either I did what you suggested without knowing it, or it was magic. :)
Thanks for message

gonna check it

Reply to post #933 (show post):

I don't think so. On Nov. 27 Lagniappe Literature reblogged a post from Jenny Schwartz which I then reblogged . I added a line about where it was from originally. In the timeline it seems to appear successfully but if you go to my page it shows up as being reblogged solely from Lagniappe.


Spare Ammo 10:47 am 27 November 2015

Originally reblogged from Jenny Schwartz (because who knows how the reblog feature is working today)

text 10:47 am 27 November 2015

[reblog] New Release: SKY GARDEN

Reblogged from Lagniappe Literature :


New Release: SKY GARDEN

10:47 am 27 November 2015

Reblogged from Lagniappe Literature :

Reply to post #945 (show post):

Thanks for report.
already working on it.
Another bug is back:This post appears three times in a row on my dashboard.
Reply to post #948 (show post):

Yes, you're right, I didn't notice that! So this makes it actually two different bugs, or so it seems.
The Bug That Won't Die

Bookstooge has just informed me that about an hour ago, he received a notification that I "liked" a post of his from 2014. This post:

I might have "liked" it back in 2014, but I haven't done so recently. Bookstooge found it on my timeline, but it says that the post was written by Rane Aria. I've gone back and looked, and yes, it's there, titled "Ugh" and shows Rane's name and avatar.

I did like one of Rane's posts this morning. This one:

I double checked her post, and it does show that I "liked" it, BUT it doesn't show on my timeline at all. (I went several days back, just to be sure.)

So it looks like I liked one of Rane's posts and somewhere along the line, the system got it confused with Bookstooge's post, notified BookStooge of the like, applied the like to Rane's post, and posted the mash-up of Rane's name and Book's post title on my timeline.

I'm happy not to be a BL programmer today. ;-)

(BTW, thank you for making the timeline an infinite scroll. Not sure when that happened but it's so much easier than "next page".)
Reply to post #950 (show post):

I wonder if there’s any relation to the fact that both posts were created on December 6. BookStooge’s in 2014, Rane’s in 2015. That’s the only similarity I can see between them. The times aren’t the same, though… a little over an hour a part.

This one boggles my brain because I can’t imagine why the program wouldn’t tie everything by the unique post #. I thought maybe a digit was being truncated, making the post #'s appear the same, but they aren't similar: 1299837 for Rane’s, 1059040 for BookStooge’s. I even converted the numbers to hexadecimal and binary to see if there were any similarity in those formats. Nope. No correlation that I can see.

If somebody likes post 1299837, then the Timeline entry should reflect the information associated with post 1299837 which would include the author of post 1299837 who should have been notified the post was liked. If it *doesn’t* work this way, and apparently it doesn’t, then that makes me wonder what kind of crazy programming and/or database setup is going on here… :)
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