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Discussion: Weekend Reading, October 18 - 20, 2013
posts: 7 views: 522 last post: 12 years ago
created by: Liz Loves Books
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What's everyone reading this weekend?

I'm about to finish Run the Risk this afternoon. I think I want to start the next book in one of the many series I'm following tonight. Probably either Forever and a Day from the Lucky Harbor series, Forever and a Day or maybe the next Psy-Changling for me, Bonds of Justice. I've been putting both of those off but I need to catch up on both series.
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Fun! I really liked that one. Actually, I've liked most of that series.
I've liked most of the Lucky Harbor books too, but I'd recommend not reading them all at once, because they're similar and you might overdose. As for me, I'm still working on the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. I finished book two, Bloodfever, at about 5:00am (I started reading while nursing my son at 3:00 and couldn't stop reading!). I liked Bloodfever a lot more than Darkfever.

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I agree about Lucky Harbor. I've been reading them a few months apart and that's working fairly well. I will probably do the same with the Fool's Gold series. Too much cute small town at once is hard to take.

I haven't read any Moning yet. She's been on my TBR forever. I think I may try the Fever series after I wrap up a few others. I have one more in Kaylea Cross' s suspense series (which I love), 2 I think in Lucky Harbor, either 2 or 3 in Bella Andre' s Sullivans, at least 2 Kowalski cousins and 3 or 4 Psy-Changlings. Oh, and some of the Gansett Island series too. I really need to finish some of these! I am fairly certain I'm leaving a few out.
I'm finishing up Temptation Bay by Anna Sullivan.
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That sounds like a fun series. Is it good so far?
It looks like it'll be next week before I get to pick up one of the series books I meant to read. I spent the whole morning and early afternoon cooking instead. So this afternoon I'm want something quick and easy. I think I'll try the next book after Run the Risk and see if it's any better. And maybe ... probably... nap. :)
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