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Liz Loves Books
Liz Loves Books
I love to read and to talk about books. I review many of the books I read. I do not accept any author/publisher submissions f...
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Last activity: 2013-10-17 16:45
Posts: 55
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With much reluctance, since you've left your self-promotion post up for more than 24 hours after I asked you to remove it, I'm going to have to delete it myself. Please do not self-promote on our discussion group again. If there is another self-promoting post from you, I won't give you 24 hours - ... more »
Ms. Jackson, First of all, welcome to our group. Unfortunately I have to remind you of our group rules: Rules 1. Don’t be a jerk. 2. No self-promo. At all. Ever. (emphasis added.) 3. Different people like different things. Different people have different kinks. That’s okay. 4. This is not ... more »
I second this! These seem like status updates to me and there have been many time I wanted to post a brief comment to them. more »
I've promised myself I can start the Angel' s Blood series only after I have finished the Psy-Changling series. So it will be a while yet. But I keep hearing such good things about them that it's hard to wait. I've had a couple I read only because they were the oldest by purchase date on my kin... more »
Welcome, Cindy! What a beautiful user pic! more »
Yay! I have not started that series yet. I have it in my TBR so I have it to look forward to. more »
Anyone have any good reading plans for the weekend? I'm taking a 3-day weekend and I think I may try to read some things that have been on my kindle for a long time (like 2 years!). I have some short stories in Melissa Schroeder's Harmless series and a few other things I've had on a back burner ... more »
That is awesome! What book was it? more »
Exactly! It also makes me think the hero is emo when he does that. more »
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