Reply to post #37
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BookLikes recently cut its synchronization with Goodreads, after GR accused BL (untruthfully, for all anyone could determine) to have messed up people's GR accounts in the process. If you go to "Settings > Import," you can see all the import options you currently have. You can still import books from both Goodreads and Library Thing, but there is no synch option, neither with GR nor with LT. So anything you add or edit here, you then have to replicate individually on GR and LT.
As for the editions your books are showing, that's something that happened to many of us in the import process. I'm not sure whether I would even bother trying to do anything about it before we get consolidated book pages, at which time it's likely going to be a whole lot easier to switch to the correct editions anyway. But if you do want to edit: First go to "Settings > Search" and choose all the booksellers you want to use as search engines on BookLikes (unless you're happy just to use, which currently is the default option). After having added all the booksellers you want to use, go back to the search bar, select your bookseller of choice, and enter the ISBN number of the edition you want to switch to. Select the book then showing as your search result, place it on your shelf, and delete the edition currently there. Repeat individually until all your books are fixed ... (no batch edit possible at this point, and I don't actually see how there could be any batch edit option for this situation to begin with -- they can, and probably will, only make it easier on the level of the individual edits once we get consolidated book pages).
As for how many people are using several sites at once, I think -- solely based on what I'm hearing from friends, though obviously this could be totally wrong -- many people currently are still using both GR and BookLikes, with GR being the "backup" or "fallback" solution until BL has added a few more of the features we have there. Others have made a clean cut and moved to BL entirely, though. A few are using Library Thing for cataloguing purposes, though not so much for purposes of interaction, it seems. Again, though, this is just my impression ... take it for what it's worth.