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Discussion: 2016-06-01 - 2016-06-30: A Bloody Field by Shrewsbury - Edith Pargeter
posts: 11 views: 206 last post: 9 years ago
created by: Carpe Librum
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A Bloody Field by Shrewsbury - Edith Pargeter
Reading start: 2016-06-01
Reading finish: 2016-06-30
Does your avatar only show up with a green circle around it when you shelve the same edition of the book? Or how does it work, exactly?
I believe the thicker green line shows reading progress, so some people have marked it complete. For those who record progress, it will show partially filled in outlines.
I asked because I only seem to have earned a green outline for A Burnable Book (if you go back and look at previous months) despite having read everything since then. So I wondered whether it depended on which edition you shelved.

Aha! Switching editions does make the green progress bar appear!
(I know it doesn't really matter, but I kept wondering why).
Good to know!
Can I join in on this one? I've read it before, so I may not be doing a cover to cover reread, but I loved it -- both for the characters themselves and for the different spin that Pargeter put on the three Henrys as compared to Shakespeare -- and I'd love to revisit and discuss her take on the story.
Reply to post #6 (show post):

By all means! All are welcome. :-D
Great! :) [TA goes to dig out book.]
I just looked back at my review for this book & can't believe that I only gave it three stars! I've clearly become a more generous reviewer . . . . or I only remember the good in this book.

One thing that I noticed that might be interesting to discuss:
Looking at my review compared to Tannat's, we had opposite views of Julian. I said that the book would have been better without her, while Tannat said that she helped give depth to the surrounding characters.

What do you think?
I've been thinking about this as well, actually, because I realized that Julian's role in terms of story structure (the judgement etc) could have been filled by another character. I suspect that most other writers would have made her male, however, and I'm glad Pargeter didn't (keep wanting to call her Peters). I suppose that character could have been abandoned though and not carried through the whole book.

ETA: Part of your rating may be relative to the other books you were reading at the time. Besides, ratings don't necessarily capture the "staying power" of a book.
The relative rating point is definitely true. I also think I do tend to be a little kinder in my ratings now. A greater respect for what goes into writing a book helps me see positives even if I didn't personally like a book that much.
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