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Discussion: Halloween Bingo 2018: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
posts: 15 views: 796 last post: 6 years ago
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Tell us about your experience! Are you having fun? How about your books? Favorite read, least favorite read, all that good stuff!
I'm new to this. I have an undisciplined, curiosity / impulse / mood driven approach to reading. I habitually avoid competitive games. So clearly, Halloween Bingo isn't for me. Except I'm enjoying myself. Touching my shadow as the Myers Briggs folks say. AND I'll get lots of reading done.

One thing I realised today.

This is not going to sound plausible.

I've never played Bingo so I had to look up the rules.

I'd assumed I just had to read every book for every square on my card and then I'd be done.

It turns out I'm supposed to think about horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.

I'm not sure I can be bothered with that (see what I mean about avoiding competitive games) but I would like to read every book for every square on my card before Halloween. That's my personal Bingo.
Reply to post #3 (show post):

Mike - what you are talking about is a "blackout" bingo. You can play anyway you want, be your own independent self.
Reply to post #4 (show post):

A Blackout Bingo. So it's a thing. Who knew? Thanks. I'll tootle along, ignoring straight lines as usual.

Thanks for all the work you've put into this. I don't know how you get it all done.
I'm looking forward to my first ever Bing with you guys, but as I was looking over my books I found out one of my books is over 900 pages ,yah me .lol
Reply to post #8 (show post):

This is where the strategies start to play in...do you start it first, leave it for last, etc...
Reply to post #9 (show post):

So true
Reply to post #10 (show post):

So true , all ready thank about changing that book out for another one
Reply to post #5 (show post):

I just read what takes my fancy at the time without worrying about rows and columns. I just mark 'em as I go, although I do try not to duplicate squares. The first year I filled in 18 squares I think it was before finally getting a bingo.
I would have to pick out a strange one for my Doomsday book , lol
Reply to post #13 (show post):

I had my entire card filled last year and didn't get a single Bingo. I think it went until the last day or next to last before I finally blacked out the whole card. I still had tons of fun!
So far I've read one book I've hated , which is good , and one book that I know after reading that I'll never go into the ocean .
Anyone else picked a book just because of the cover, I did, I already read this author before and his a hit or miss with me , so I went with the book cover ,since I have 2 of his books to read.
Yes, I have! The cover is part of what draws my eye. I will come right out and say it: I am a cover whore.
Reply to post #19 (show post):

Glad I'm not the only one who picks books by their cover .
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