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Discussion: N is for New-to-you author
posts: 4 views: 693 last post: 11 years ago
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I've got this on my list to read. What did you think?
I'm going to put James Oswald here, I read Natural Causes. It was okay. Readable, but a bit messy. I'd try others by him.

Divergent by Veronica Roth

I've had this book on my nook to read for literally years. I read it pretty quickly and while it wasnt my favorite, it wasn't bad. It was actually quite entertained. Like I was watching a superhero movie. I have low expectations haha

I'll be continuing on at some point... hopefully soon so i dont forget everything!
J.H. Knight's book 'The Last Thing He Needs' was my first read for this author and definitely not my last.
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