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Toni Morrison - Community Reviews back

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pedestrienne rated it 7 years ago
Not going to lie, this was slow going for me, but very rewarding. The magical realism elements in the beginning seemed to augur a disappointing reading experience, but luckily everyone was right and Toni Morrison delivered, her characters didn't just have weird things happen to them and fall in love...
philoSophie rated it 7 years ago
Έξοχη πρόζα κι έξοχα δομημένη πλοκή, με καίριους προβληματισμούς γύρω από το πώς ορίζουμε τον εαυτό μας και τους ανθρώπους γύρω μας, τον τρόπο που επιθυμούμε να πιστεύουμε πως σημαίνουμε κάτι και με κρισιμότερο το γεγονός ότι θα κάνουμε σχεδόν οτιδήποτε για να δώσουμε ένα περίγραμμα στην αίσθηση του...
Wortmagieblog rated it 8 years ago
Interessiert man sich für weibliche, afroamerikanische Literatur, kommt man an Toni Morrison nicht vorbei. 1993 erhielt sie als erste schwarze Frau den Literaturnobelpreis. Bereits fünf Jahre zuvor wurde ihr Roman „Beloved“, in dem sie sich mit der Geschichte der Sklaverei in den USA auseinandersetz...
Chris Blocker
Chris Blocker rated it 8 years ago
Let me start by saying, that's not at all what I expected. Yes, the quality of the writing was all Toni Morrison, but of the six novels of hers I have now read, this had the most contemporary of settings. I'd hate to say I had typecast Morrison as a historical novelist, but... I typecast Morrison as...
Awogfli - Bookcroc
Awogfli - Bookcroc rated it 8 years ago
Ich kann die restlose und überschwengliche Begeisterung von vielen für diesen Roman sehr gut verstehen, in seiner Konzeption ist dieses Werk wirklich einzigartig. Eine blumige Märchensprache, die fast schon an Garcia Marquez erinnert und auch ein teilweise mystischer, dann auch wieder sehr realistis...
rameau's ramblings
rameau's ramblings rated it 9 years ago
...and then the last two pages happened. At first I was terribly disappointed—because obviously this unnecessary explanation of the brilliance before had been tacked on specially for thick white people like me—but no. Those last paragraphs were there to deliver the final punch in the last five sente...
Merle rated it 9 years ago
You can ignore the rating; I just don't like the "zero stars" look when I decide not to give one. My only prior experience with Toni Morrison was reading Beloved and The Bluest Eye for school, and I wrongly assumed that those two were her "classroom" books and that this one would be more commercia...
Jocelyn (The Reading World)
Jocelyn (The Reading World) rated it 9 years ago
I think I appreciate this a lot more than I love it. Even then, by the time I was 100 or 200 pages in, I wished I'd paid more attention in the beginning so I could have grasped the structure of the story better.Shortly put, Beloved deals with the effects of traumatic memory on the present. The way i...
Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 9 years ago
Please note that this book deals with rape and incest. This book has left me thinking over certain themes for days. I think the best thing I can say about any book is that I can't stop thinking about it. "The Bluest Eye" was so hard to read in parts that I honestly was surprised when I got to the en...
literatura sautée
literatura sautée rated it 9 years ago
Trzecia powieść Toni Morrison z 1977 roku to książka, w której realizm łączy się z mitem, wnikliwa analiza czarnoskórych społeczności na północy i na południu USA przeplata się z aluzjami biblijnymi, a kluczem do historii rodu Macona Nieboszczyka jest piosenka-wyliczanka śpiewana przez czarnoskóre d...
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