Welcome to TWO, the second annual horror special from Stupefying Stories. This time out we're bringing you one of the biggest and best collections we've ever assembled, containing sixteen fresh and exciting new tales of ghosties and ghoulies, vampires and zombies, monsters and mayhem, and things...
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Welcome to TWO, the second annual horror special from Stupefying Stories. This time out we're bringing you one of the biggest and best collections we've ever assembled, containing sixteen fresh and exciting new tales of ghosties and ghoulies, vampires and zombies, monsters and mayhem, and things that go bump in the night!
Includes: "Second to Last Stop" by Evan Dicken, "Cabrón" by Jóse Iriarte, "Blood and Water" by Rose Blackthorn, "Gris-Gris for a Mal Pris" by Rebecca Roland, "Zombie Angst, or How to Pair Human Brains With a Good Chianti" by Stone Showers, "Wall" by Yukimi Ogawa, "A is for Android" by Holly A. Cave, "The Things That Perish Along The Way" by Keith Rosson, "Choice" by Shona Snowden, "Offworld" by Anton Sim, "An Incident in Cain's Mark" by L. Joseph Shosty, "Professor Pandemonium's Train of Terror" by Simon Kewin, "It Came From Hell And Smashed The Angels" by Gregor Xane, "The Waiting Line (Many Elbows)" by Leah Thomas, "The Revenge of Oscar Wilde" by Sean Eads, and "Eulogy to be Given by Whoever's Still Sober" by Nicole Cushing.
STUPEFYING STORIES: It's the great new horror reading you've been looking for!
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