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Frosted Hearts - Angelia Sparrow, Naomi Brooks
Frosted Hearts
by: (author) (author)
2.57 35
Format: ebook
ISBN: 9781594268267
Publisher: Phaze Books
Pages no: 45
Edition language: English
Series: Collared Hearts (#2)
Community Reviews
Mammarella rated it
Just because characters take turn putting collars on each other and call their partner "slut", "slave" and "whore" doesn't mean the book can qualify for BDSM tag.Sweet, cute "rainbows-and-lollipops" read. No angst whatsoever.2 stars.
Mammarella rated it
2.0 Frosted Hearts (Collared Hearts, #2)
Just because characters take turn putting collars on each other and call their partner "slut", "slave" and "whore" doesn't mean the book can qualify for BDSM tag.Sweet, cute "rainbows-and-lollipops" read. No angst whatsoever.2 stars.
Mammarella rated it
2.0 Frosted Hearts (Collared Hearts, #2)
Just because characters take turn putting collars on each other and call their partner "slut", "slave" and "whore" doesn't mean the book can qualify for BDSM tag.Sweet, cute "rainbows-and-lollipops" read. No angst whatsoever.2 stars.
Mammarella rated it
2.0 Frosted Hearts
Just because characters take turn putting collars on each other and call their partner "slut", "slave" and "whore" doesn't mean the book can qualify for BDSM tag.Sweet, cute "rainbows-and-lollipops" read. No angst whatsoever.2 stars.
Stumbling Over Chaos
Stumbling Over Chaos rated it
Very good kinky m/m romance that continues the story of the artist and his formerly prissy gallery owner boyfriend.
Books by Angelia Sparrow
Books by Naomi Brooks
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