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Society and religions - Danuta Musiał
Society and religions
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Camille Barnard-Cogno: Iconographie en perspective: Jane E. Harrison et les vases grecs, reflexions autor d'une methodologie;Sławomir Sprawski: All the King's Men. Thessalians and Philip II's Designs on Greece;Jerzy Hatłas: The presentation of "investiture" in thracian art;Danuta Musiał: Les... show more
Camille Barnard-Cogno: Iconographie en perspective: Jane E. Harrison et les vases grecs, reflexions autor d'une methodologie;Sławomir Sprawski: All the King's Men. Thessalians and Philip II's Designs on Greece;Jerzy Hatłas: The presentation of "investiture" in thracian art;Danuta Musiał: Les livres de Numa: quelques reflexions sur l 'hellenistion de la culture romaine;Antonella Lepone, Przemysław Wojciechowski: Aspetti religiosi del Sannio Pentro: alcune considerazioniLivio Zerbini: Le attestazioni cultuali del delta padano in eta romana;Szymon Olszaniec: Sopatros von Apameia - ein neuplatonischer Philosoph am Hofe von Konstantin;Marcin Pawlak: Some remarks on Flavius Felix's domination at the Ravenna court
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Format: papier
ISBN: 9788323117728
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika
Pages no: 142
Edition language: Polski
Books by Danuta Musiał
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