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review 2020-02-17 02:25
Review: The Demigod Complex by Abigail Owen
The Demigod Complex - Abigail Owen

Reviewed for Wit and Sin


The Demigod Complex is a fun spin on the Greek gods and nymphs. I so enjoyed Castor and Lyleia’s story that it was impossible for me to put it down.

Leia is a nymph who lost her spring and – by extension – her family centuries ago after angering a powerful entity. She’s never been fully happy since, but she’s come back to life working as Castor Dioskouri’s Executive Assistant. Though he’s the son of Zeus, his demigod status doesn’t prevent Castor from also knowing loss. He’s been living half a life since his wife died so long ago. He requested Brimstone, Inc. send him an assistant who wouldn’t fall for his charms, which is why they sent Leia, whose powers as a nymph provide her with a natural resistance to gods. What that natural resistance doesn’t cover is the attraction between the two that springs naturally. It’s clear from the start that Castor and Leia are made for each other. But both are afraid to open their hearts and take a risk; Leia especially since she fears an old enemy may be coming for her again. But when the two attend an alpha wolf shifter mating, the additional pheromones may be enough to get them to lose their inhibitions and take a chance on a happily ever after that would last for eternity.

There’s a crackling energy between Castor and Leia that makes it easy to fall into their romance. Author Abigail Owen knows how to pack a punch in a short space and sets the foundation for the romance quickly allowing readers to be swept up in a love story that’s both sexy and heartwarming. Leia and Castor are both powerful and protective in their own ways and I absolutely adored these two. Ms. Owen weaves mythology wonderfully into this modern day boss/secretary romance and the appearance of gods, nymphs, and shifters give familiar tropes a fresh new feel. All in all, The Demigod Complex is a fast-paced, sensual, action-packed read and I cannot wait to see what’s next in the Brimstone Inc. series!

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I also purchased a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Source: witandsin.blogspot.com/2020/02/review-demigod-complex-by-abigail-owen.html
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review 2020-02-02 14:38
The Demigod Complex - Abigail Owen

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This was such a fun quick read! Loved the characters and the fantasy element was top notch. I love mythology, especially greek mythology and it is really fun to see it in a contemporary setting. The romance was well done, lots of delicious tension and buildup, which I find can be hard to not feel a bit rushed in novellas, but it was perfectly done here in my opinion. I was able to read it all in one sitting and I can't wait for more Brimstone INC tales in the future!


I received an ARC of this book from Entangled Publishing via Netgalley and this is my honest review.

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