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Discussion: Halloween Bingo 2017: Request Your Card!
posts: 15 views: 5992 last post: 7 years ago
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I'd like to join in, please exclude Zombies. I can work with the rest so anything but that.
Reply to post #121 (show post):

And if anyone wants to use Picmonkey, it's super easy. I remember it being fairly intuitive, and I was able to use their tutorials/advice for anything I was even slightly confused about. Worst comes to worst, I do what I always do: Google and find advice from people who use the system.
All right - I'm up!

Linda: yes, PM me with your email address & I will email the card to you!

Person of Interest: Yes, I think I did overlook your email - thank you for drawing my attention to the oversight! Card forthcoming!

Everyone else, hold tight. Soon!
I also reblogged my tutorial from last year that provided instructions for filling in the card using that site. You can find it here.
Person of Interest:

My Never Ending List:

Wyvernfriend Reads:


Kitty Horror

Book cupidity:

I'd love to give this a try
Could i drop-
1) Locked room mystery
2) Country house mystery
3) Classic noir
4) Amateur sleuth
5) Serial/spree kill
I spotted an error on my card (which isn´t bad at all). Instead of the "Cozy Mystery" square I got the "Terror in a small town one", which I excluded. May I in that case count a Miss Marple novel for the "Terror in a small town" square? A murder in St. Mary Mead, I would count that as an act of terror in a small town.
Reply to post #130 (show post):

Lillelara: Hahaha. I'm going to repost this in the "questions about spaces" thread, but the short answer is yes. Murder in a small town does cause terror in a small community.
Reply to post #123 (show post):

Thanks, but I got it via one of your other suggestions! Whoo, hoo, I love learning new things!

Now I have to figure out how to load my old Photoshop onto this new computer that I've only had for 8 months. . . . . argh. . . . but it's another new thing to learn!!!!
Thank you so much for the custom cards!

Here are my exclusions:
-Cozy Mystery
-Locked Room mystery
-Classic Noir
-Country House Mystery
I only have three I want to exclude, otherwise you can pick

Romantic Suspense


The dead will walk

Thank you
Now I found thread! I left a message in one of your posts (impatient, lol), but will make it here officially:

I would like a card, please. No first option for me (Locked Room), otherwise, I'm good. Thanks!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I love my card. :D
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