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Discussion: Halloween Bingo 2017: Request Your Card!
posts: 15 views: 5990 last post: 7 years ago
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Yeah, I've got some ideas. :) Can't wait to get started!
Reply to post #146 (show post):

Which is to say you created 45 individual cards, and at whirlwind speed, too? Wow -- just wow.

Yey to the number of participants!
Thanks for the great card! I am anxious to get started on this. With all those participants, I can't wait to see all the books that everyone chooses.
Reply to post #151 (show post):

Aah, I wondered why I wasn't seeing any of your feed.
Have re-followed you. ;)
Thanks for my card, now to decide what to read...
If its not to late I would love a card. Anyone's besides, chilling children, modern masters published after 2000, and horror. Thanks so much.
Lori it's not too late.
I missed so much not being on booklikes the past few days. :(

I'm in too. The custom cards are awesome!! I'm so excited to play.

My exclusions:
1. Locked room mystery
2. Romantic Suspense
3. Cozy Mystery
4. Classic Noir
5. Country House mystery
6. Murder Most Foul
7. Amateur Sleuth

I'm more into horror than mystery :)
Thanks so much for doing this again!!
Moonlight will get back to everyone who still needs a card. Thanks all.

Reply to post #161 (show post):

I believe we had around 30 people who initially signed up but maybe 20 played. I have to check with MR. My posts from last year are gone :-(
I will get to the remaining cards today - busy morning!
Reply to post #164 (show post):

Hey, MR, since this has turned massive I can help out until the begin of September. I'm pretty good with picmonkey so if you need anything done there via cards, or anything else, lemme know.

On the flip side, I get being protective of these things, so feel free to tell me naw if you don't want anyone else getting involved. Just figured an offer for help might be appreciated!
Reply to post #165 (show post):

I appreciate the offer, Grim! With respect to the cards, though, it's sort of a one (wo)man job because the whole thing is set up on my account. It only takes about 5 minutes per card! If I come up with something, I will let you know through PM!
Reply to post #166 (show post):

Fair! I figured it might be the case, but just in case you wanted/needed help, especially with the busy mornings.

Regardless of if you do come up with something or not, I'm looking forward to playing. And at least trying to win this thing.
Lori's Little House of Reviews:

Reading Is My Escape From Reality

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