Prime examples of authors of the western genre are Zane Grey, Louis L'amour, Max Brand, Larry McMurtry etc... Nothing to do with steampunk.
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When this happens to me, I sign out and sign back in and it seems to work. If it doesn't, which happened once or twice, then I've emptied my cache and that did it. Oh, I should state that I use Chrome. :)
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I was having trouble with the search system a while ago, but it seemed that a cache cleaning solved the problem. I use Chrome on Windows 10, but it might be the same situation with Firefox.
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Thanks MdB! :) I've known about picture size and fussed with it many a time. (And cussed at having to change the file name *LOL*) It's highly possible that I wasn't waiting long enough for the search function to well.. actually function on the author name - sometimes it IS unbearably slow but la...
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Well, I've been trying for the past 15 minutes to add The Obsession by Liliana Lee to the database (ISBN 9781502203786 - ebook format) and not only am I having trouble getting the cover to upload, the 'system' will not accept the author name. Every time I hit enter the author name gets erased and I...
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Well I was just able to post a review (although unable to add tags) and update my reading challenge total. The site was really really fast, faster than it's been in months. However, trying to get here took a bit of a wait. I'm using Chrome and I'm on my desktop. I cannot, however, get the search fun...
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Did you try asking for the ISBN in a search and seeing what comes up? Possibly someone added another book with a typo in the ISBN? I've seen that happen. The ISBN is the International Standard Book Number and it's unique to each book. :) (EDT, just so people don't think I'm being snarky here, the...
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Can a librarian check this out for me? I just added a new edition for Champion of the Scarlet Wolf (Book 2) - the ebook edition (not kindle) with the ISBN of 9781935560357 and a little more info than the kindle entry. The kindle entry also shows the ISBN as well as the ASIN which precludes me fro...
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