Lautloses Duell Roman
9783828972483 (3828972489)
Publish date: 2003
Publisher: Weltbild
Edition language: Deutsch
This heavily involves IT and hacking and as you can probably guess, as IT is my career, I am sensitive to certain things. (I'm writing this on a Macbook Air which has been altered to run my preferred Linux distribution, and my mobile is neither Apple, Android, Blackberry or Microsoft. Not telling yo...
Miałem już kilka razy do czynienia z książkami pana Deaver'a. Zawsze byłą to lektura wymagająca, która kręciła mną jak chciała. Wiele wątków, jeszcze więcej podejrzanych i świadome podpuszczanie czytelnika. To chyba cechy charakterystyczne. Gdy wiec w wielkim pudle z napisem TANIA KSIĄŻKA znalazłem...
In The Blue Nowhere, we have computer hackers run wild as Phate, a Silicon Valley hacker, is taking a computer game to a whole new level, collecting points by killing hard to kill targets. Phate does this by infiltrating people’s computers with a trap door virus, giving him access to all of the info...
Deaver is an obnoxious )(%*@
Where state of the art computer hackers download information onto floppy disks and are easily identified by their calloused fingertips from all that keyboard pounding. As for the internet, it’s a ruinous addition for the socially inept. A narrative that is clichéd, contrived, with outdated technolog...