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url 2023-04-06 18:32

Richard England

THIS HOLY EARTHArtEducationdefault


   by Nataša Pantović

Yesterday, I was privileged to listen to FFA (a Maltese NGO: All for Environment) organised interview, with Richard England discussing his life and work, people he admired and learned from, and his need to create architecture with love.

Richard England #environmentalist Interview THIS HOLY EARTH

One of the first anecdotes Richard has narrated was when he had returned home in 1962 after completing his studies at the University of Milan and an 18 month apprenticeship in the studio of Gio Ponti. When Richard showed his father (also an architect) the recommendation letter that he got from Ponti (the Italian architect was his father's favourite), praising his work, his father, has decided to entrust him with the commission of the Manikata Church. It was the small Parish Church of Saint Joseph in a village of Malta. The church was built by around 500 of the area’s farmers on a volunteer basis.

Manikata Parish Church designed by Richard England

Manikata Parish Church designed by Richard England

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url 2021-03-04 17:15
Shakespeare and Elizabethan England’s Royal Court Political Marketing
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I read all of Shakespeare & love his plays! Seen them all, many a time, in many languages! Yet researching the most intriguing history of Elizabethan 16th, 17th century England & Royal Court Political Marketing I had to ask d obvious: Who wrote Shakespeare? #Shakespeare and Elizabethan England’s Royal Court Political Marketing. What do we really know about Shakespeare?#art#Education, Power of #Mind, Learning from the Imperial Elizabethan England about mind-manipulation, and Shakespeare’s cultural heritage. 

Learning from the Imperial Elizabethan England about -manipulation, , and Shakespeare's cultural heritage

by Nataša Pantović

Was "the Stratford man" a front for a powerful literary group of writers that included the English contemporary writers, Bacon, and Marlowe, etc. used by the Queen Elizabeth and her predecessors for their political marketing, and why does this matter today?

No letters or signed manuscripts written by Shakespeare survive. The appearance of Shakespeare's six authenticated signatures, indicate that he was illiterate or barely literate.

Shakespeare's six surviving signatures have often been cited as evidence of his illiteracy

Shakespeare's six authenticated signatures

So when you read Lady Macbeth’s “Come, you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,” during your 10th grade English class, or: “Make thick my blood, Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse.” do you ever wonder, is this how it was originally written?

Shakespeare's authorship was first questioned in the middle of the 19th century by Joseph C. Hart in “The Romance of Yachting” (1848). Hart argued that the plays were written by many different authors. Shakespeare has never overseen the publication of his plays in his retirement. So controversial, by 1884, the question had produced more than 250 books.

Source: artof4elements.com/entry/280/shakespeare-and-elizabethan-englands-royal-court-political-marke
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url 2020-07-05 19:59
My Just One Book post on Harold II is up!

My Just One Book post on Harold II is up on my website! Please enjoy with my compliments

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review 2020-07-01 06:26
My review of Piers Compton's "Harold the King" is up!
Harold the King - Piers Compton

My review of Piers Compton's biography of Harold II is up on my website! Please enjoy with my compliments.

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review 2020-06-27 22:48
My review of Ian W. Walker's "Harold: The Last Anglo-Saxon King" is up!
Harold: The Last Anglo Saxon King - Ian W. Walker

My review of Ian W. Walker's biography of Harold Godwinson is up on my website! Please enjoy with my compliments.

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