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review 2019-03-21 05:38
Locking you up to awesome stuff!


With a life that’s super-bustling and a routine that just lets you work, eat and sleep, digging out time to look after the needs of your house is tremendously difficult. You set out some specific dates of weekends when you can go out and shop for all that you and your home is running short of. Be it some additions to your closets, to the bookshelf in your living room, to your kitchen cabinets or maybe to your shoe rack, you have to do it all on your days off.

Though, the era we’re living in has made online shopping a huge boon for us where we can just sit at home, relax on our couches and order away whatever we need, it’s not that easy. Along with this astonishing perk, come some frauds as well that may send us the worst causing a dent in our bank accounts for almost nothing. Amid this deceptive world, there still are some stores that’ll look after all your needs in the best possible way. One of them is Anthropologie. This online store stashes-up its racks with a bundle of awesome products making you just lie down in your bed placing orders for your favs. Here you can also use Anthropologie discount code uk to shop at marked knock-offs while saving a bulk. Let’s take you to a jotting of all that they provide you with.


Loading you up with outlandish clothing items, this store makes sure you have a set of beautiful pieces for all your important events. Here, you can shop for a variety of things including casual, work, formal and wedding dresses, tops, tees, skirts, pants, jeans, trousers, sweaters, and shorts. You can also shop for jumpsuits, rompers, swimwear, kimonos, sleepwear, loungewear, activewear, lingerie and a lot more. Using Anthropologie voucher code, bag enormous discounts on your every purchase from this marvellous store.

Shoes & Accessories

To complement your dresses and outfits in the most beautiful way, they stuff up a massive pile-up of footwear and accessories with them as well. This counts in heels, flats, sneakers, sandals, boots and others. The accessories’ section has bags, jewellery, hats, sunglasses, belts, scarves, and hair accessories in them. This whole range can be latched on at astonishing concessions through great deals at TVC.

Home & Furniture

Besides shopping for clothes and filling up your wardrobes, setting up your home at your day offs is important too. You can add in some extraordinary pieces of furniture or replace the old ones to give a perfect positive vibe to your house. Catch up with beds, pillows, sofas, tables, chairs, mirrors, wall art, rugs, curtains, lights, candles, bathroom stuff, storage boxes, garden essentials and others. You can also buy some breath-taking wallpapers from here to give a nice change to your home.

Health & Beauty

Done with closets and home! It's now time to peek into your health too. Go and shop for some skincare items and others to revive that glow back onto your skin. Choose from the mountainous collection of moisturizers, cleansers, exfoliators, masks, bath & body goods, hair care items, perfumes, bath bars, makeup, and men’s grooming products as well.

So, set aside all your doubts and worries and head onto Anthropologie to get a fascinating mass of products locked up to your carts!

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text 2015-08-06 06:51
Butchered Books – about as decorative as having animal heads on my wall

butchered books


I was in a store called Anthropologie today. It sells dresses and household items, bits of art work, and slightly arty books. It is a store with a high design concept that seems to be targeted at the well-off, stylish, slightly off-mainstream, graduate market.


I liked a lot of the stuff, especially some of the paintings so I was in a relaxed mood, feeling at home, when I came across something that made me angry.


Anthropologie sell something called Library Letters. Sounds cute doesn't it? Alliterative. Literate. Playful. The kind of thing a book person would be drawn to.


library letters


Except, the cute looking letters here a made from butchered books.


I have no idea if they were good books.


They may have been headed for the pulp pile.


But no book deserves to be gutted with a jigsaw and then put on display and sold for three times the price of the average paperback.


Maybe it's just me, but this seems a major lapse in taste.


I tried to imagine other book products demonstrating a similar sensibility. I wonder if Anthropologie would find this idea appealing?


Bar B Q Books -  banned books cut to into the shape of the letters B and Q and soaked in kerosene so that you can make your next barbeque a roaring success.




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photo 2013-10-04 07:24

Love this modern and updated look for the classics

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review 2013-07-02 17:48
Lasst Knochen sprechen - Kathy Reichs
Lasst Knochen sprechen (Tempe Brennan 3) - Kathy Reichs

Kathy Reichs
Lasst Knochen sprechen
Tempe Brennan (3)

Random House Audio, 2012
Dauer: 11 Std., 7 Min (ungekürzt)
gelesen von Ranja Bonalana
Download: 24,95 € oder im
Flexi-Abo: 9,95 €
gehört über die Audible-App




Inhaltsangabe (Audible):


Ein ermordetes Mädchen, die Überreste zweier Motorradfahrer nach einem Bombenanschlag und der ausgegrabene Schädel einer jungen Frau - damit hat die forensische Anthropologin Tempe Brennan im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes alle Hände voll zu tun. Doch als sie einen brisanten Zusammenhang zwischen den Toten und zwei verfeindeten Motorrad-Banden erahnt, gerät nicht nur Tempe in Lebensgefahr. Leider entwickelt auch ihr Neffe Kit verhängnisvolles Faible Motorräder...

"Lasst Knochen sprechen" ("Deadly Décisions", 2000) ist der dritte Roman aus Kathy Reichs' Krimi-Reihe um die forensische Anthropologin Dr. Temperance "Tempe" Brennan. Reichs' Protagonistin diente auch als Vorlage für die US-amerikanische Fernsehserie "Bones - Die Knochenjägerin", allerdings handelt es sich bei der Serie nicht um eine Verfilmung der Romane.


Nach und nach hangle ich mich durch die Tempe-Reihe. Und es ist gut, dass ich mir die Bücher vorlesen lasse, denn ich bin des Französischen nicht mächtig, und die Reihe spielt in Canada.


Ranja Bonalana ist mir schon von anderen Hörbüchern her ein Begriff und eine sehr gute Wahl für diese Hörbuch-Reihe. Ihr Französisch klingt zumindest korrekt, sie liest flüssig und versucht nicht unmögliche Kapriolen mit ihrer Stimme.


In diesem Buch gehen die Recherchen ein wenig schleppend voran. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass an verschiedenen Fronten gleichzeitig gesucht wird. Gut herausgearbeitete Protagonisten und Nebenfiguren je nach Wichtigkeit vermitteln einen guten Einblick in die Arbeit einer Anthropologin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Polizei.


Einen großen Platz nimmt der persönliche Strang um den Neffen Kit ein, und Tempe verhält sich auch in diesem Buch wieder ein wenig blauäugig und läuft vom Leser aus betrachtet sehenden Auges in die Gefahr hinein. Außerdem war mir von Anfang an klar, dass Ryan verdeckt ermitteln muss. Und das hätte auch Tempe klar sein müssen.

Trotz allem bleibt der Spannungsbogen erhalten und brachte mir zumindest eine unerwartete Wende.


Ich gebe 07/10 Punkte.

Source: sunsys-blog.blogspot.de/2013/07/ausgehort-lasst-knochen-sprechen-k.html
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