Title: Really Bad Girls of the Bible
Author: Liz Curtis Higgs
Publisher: WaterBrook
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Really Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs
My Thoughts....
I loved this author's goal of writing this book..."My goal is simple: to help women embrace the grace of God with joy and abandon!" and I think she did a wonderful job at it. I will say I was able to learn from the read. Some of these characters I hadn't read about and it was quite interesting reading about them in the modern day version. I was definitely found opening up my Bible to read about these 'bad girls' and definitely looking at their stories quite differently seeing how God pulled them through it all.
It was quite interesting in seeing so many of these traits that were portrayed by these 'bad girls' can be found in us today. Wow, some things just don't change! This author does a wonderful job at relating the 'Biblical archetypes to the what is going on now,' giving us some 'humor, empathy and intellect.' There is also discussion questions and study guide for ones personal use or for your a study groups that are included. If you are looking for a informative and interesting read about 'Really Bad Girls of the Bible' I would recommend read to you as a good read.
I received this book from Blogging for Books to read and review.