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review 2017-07-30 21:15
40 Days of Healing Journal
40 Days of Healing Journal - Danyelle Scroggins

Title:  40 Days of Healing Journal

Author:  Danyelle Scroggins

Publisher:  Create Space Independent Publishing

Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean

Rating: Five



"40 Days of Healing Journal"  by Danyelle Scroggins


My Thoughts....


This was definite a clearly well thought out journal about fasting....& praying with wonderful scriptures.


Here is the starting of how this journal is presented to the reader which is very easy to follow.


"It is about laying aside that thing or those things that obstruct you from being the best person you can be, and believing the denying of yourself, gives God room to maximize your potential at becoming the best you, or opening channels for your to receive answered prayers."


"For the next forty days...you are to commit to giving ups something like...Soda, Sweets, Lying, Facebook, Social Media, The Telephone, Cell Phone, Gambling, Alcohol, Gossiping, Sex, Wine, Television, Something but faithfully for the next 40 days!"

I can definitely pick one or more of these!


Write the one what you are giving up....

I'm Giving up....

Why I chose to give up this is...because....


Day 1 Psalm 95:7-8


During this time of fasting and prayer we are to remember to meditate each day to hear the voice of God.

Don't let anyone turn you from the fact you have picked up this book!


'Set your mind to wind because whatever the 'it' is in your life that is keeping you from your next level, 'it' must go down, so you can get up!


Your prayer for today:


What has God spoken for you to do but because your heart is hard, you can't seem to find a way through to do?


After the 40 days are up, what would you desire to have gained?


This was day one...now to work through 39 more days....


My Declaration:

My 'It' Has to Go In Jesus' Name


Day 2  Matthew 4: 17


And this goes on through to Day 40 with each day receiving a word from the author as she leaves  a word for you...


"There's no excuse for turning back after  39 days ago.  Move Forward with this new mindset and a will to work the Word in your life, because baby, if you Work the word the Word will Work for you,"

The Aftermath   Isaiah 41:9-11

Our Faith   Galatians 3:6-9

The End... "Is never complete until God says so!"


After I went through this journal  I found it well written and giving one so much important divine inspirational information that will only help 'renew ones total mind, body and spirit.'  I loved how after each day,  one is to write their prayers.  Wow, what one can get through fasting and prayers!


This journey was beautifully well done and anyone can follow along each of the 40 days  and be truly blessed. Would I recommend?  Definitely yes!  I plan on starting my 40 days soon.


Thank you to the author for permitting me to read about your journal... "40 Days of Healing Journal."














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review 2017-05-19 02:28
Peace In The Valley
Peace in the Valley: A Novel (Double S Ranch) - Ruth Logan Herne

Title:  Peace In The Valley

Author:  Ruth Logan Herne

Publisher:  Multnomah

Series:  Double S Ranch # 3

Reviewed By: Arlena Dean

Rating: Five



"Peace In The Valley" by Ruth Logan Herne


My Thoughts....


I loved this heartfelt tear jerking read of the last series:  Double S Ranch # 3...Peace In The Valley this only this author can give to her readers.  What a beautiful read of a story of what will happens when one puts the past behind and now it's about faith and the family.  The main story was of Trey Stafford and Lucy Carlton however we are also given many secondary characters [Sam] and a few others that were truly indeed special in this very powerful moving read.  Not only was this a romantic cowboy story but so much more.  I loved how this author gives us a story of what will happen when a family turn to God for some healing of past wounds and we are even given some inspirational scriptures the were there to give them 'strength or encouragement' at the perfect time.   The story is definitely giving the reader a heartwarming story with Trey, Lucky and her children[Cade & Cody]. In the end the reader is given on fascinating story that will include quite a lots of messages that will be woven into this story giving the readers 'Gods' grace, embracing and forgiving one another as through love they are given second chances.  This author really did a well good job at giving the readers a fantastic ending in this series.  To get the whole story of Double S Ranch three book series get..." Back in the Saddle...Home on the Ranch and Peace In The Valley.'  The reader will truly enjoy all of them!

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review 2016-10-22 21:16
Daily Wisdom: That Small Still Voice
Daily Wisdom: "That Small Still Voice" - James V Daniels

Title: Daily Wisdom: That Small Still Voice
Author: James V. Daniels
Publisher: J.V.D.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Daily Wisdom: That Small Still Voice" by James V. Daniels

My Thoughts....

What a wonderful Christian novel that is for anyone to read and understand. The one thing that I enjoyed reading was in putting God first in your life and listening to Him and from that I know that in the end everything will work out alright. I love the all the chapters for the deal so well with our daily lives. I think one of my favorite ones was from chapter 9 and that was 'Smile and Laugh as Much as Possible' and not letting your happiness go out the window! This one definitely is needed in our world today! I also loved the scriptures that were featured that went right along with the subject matter.

This novel is truly a 'personal guide' for one to be able to live a Christian life each and everyday.
If you are looking for a inspirational read that gives you 'Daily Wisdom' as this read gives one purpose for being able to walk in the spirit of it each and every day.

'Daily Wisdom' was definitely a read written from the heart and I would recommend this novel to you as a excellent read. It is a easy short read that will find yourself re reading, studying it again and again giving you many thoughts long after the read.

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review 2016-10-22 20:18
Really Bad Girls of the Bible
Really Bad Girls of the Bible: More Lessons from Less-Than-Perfect-Women - Liz Curtis Higgs


Title: Really Bad Girls of the Bible
Author: Liz Curtis Higgs
Publisher: WaterBrook
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Really Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs

My Thoughts....

I loved this author's goal of writing this book..."My goal is simple: to help women embrace the grace of God with joy and abandon!" and I think she did a wonderful job at it. I will say I was able to learn from the read. Some of these characters I hadn't read about and it was quite interesting reading about them in the modern day version. I was definitely found opening up my Bible to read about these 'bad girls' and definitely looking at their stories quite differently seeing how God pulled them through it all.


It was quite interesting in seeing so many of these traits that were portrayed by these 'bad girls' can be found in us today. Wow, some things just don't change! This author does a wonderful job at relating the 'Biblical archetypes to the what is going on now,' giving us some 'humor, empathy and intellect.' There is also discussion questions and study guide for ones personal use or for your a study groups that are included. If you are looking for a informative and interesting read about 'Really Bad Girls of the Bible' I would recommend read to you as a good read.


I received this book from Blogging for Books to read and review.

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review 2016-09-16 20:51
Beyond The Face Of The Movies
Beyond the Face of the Movies - D C Lassiter


Title: Beyond The Face Of The Movies
Author: D. C. Lassiter
Publisher: Pneuma Springs Publishing
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Beyond The Face Of The Movies" by D.C. Lassiter


My Thoughts....

This was quite a thought provoking read that will definitely keep your attention. Why? What was this novel about? I liked how this author presented the reader with ... "This non-fiction book will produce meaningful lessons and real life examples in order to help its readers better navigate, naturally and spiritually, through devastating or wonderful circumstances in their own lives today." I found it very alluring in how the author gives us as well analyzed contrast of the 'Hollywood and Biblical movies along with their characters. As we read through each section of the contents from "Supernatural Powers, Fallen, You Get What You Deserve, Sure of what you Hope for, Skin Deep, Perfectly Positioned, Uncertain, Unsinkable, Weeds of Life, A Shepherd With the Heart Of A King to Change' ['eleven short stories that can be read anytime separately or collectively'] the reader will get quite a exclusive nonfiction read where you will learn so much from each of the chapters that dealt with 'gratitude, stamina and self discovery.' It was very intriguing in how this author connects it all spiritually, using wisdom and even some humor. One of my favorite chapters was "Supernatural Powers" that I thought was beautifully done as it brings out some very stimulating scriptures. Why? Now, this is where I say you will have to pick this read up to see for yourself how well this author presents it to the reader. Another one of my favorite chapters in this novel was the last one 'Change' which talked about 'people will want to 'change.' At the end of the story I loved how this author ended this story of change...talking about Saul and Ebenezer Scrooge....


"I would like to end this story with a part of the song Ebenezer Scrooge sang after he awoke the next morning, the morning after the scales came off his eyes, the morning after being in his own abandoned building waiting for the outcome of his life. He woke wanting to scream out what he had discovered at 1:00am, 2:00am, and 3:00am when the conflicts in his heart, mind, and spirit would not let him sleep. Scrooge wakes up and says this:

“Perhaps it didn’t happen after all, but perhaps it did. But I’m alive... I’M ALIVE! I’ve gotta chance to change, and I will not be the man I was. I‘ll begin again... I‘ll build my life.... I will live to know that I fulfilled my life. I’ll begin today...throw away the past... and the future I will build will be something that will last. I will take the time... I have left to live, and I will give it all, that I have left to give. I will live my days, for my fellow men, and I live in Praise, of that moment when... I was able to begin... again.”


Now, to truly understand the above quote you will have to pick up the wonderful read and see what it is all about for yourself.


After reading "Beyond The Face Of The Movies" will it send you running out to buy the movie? ..Well, if this is so there will be definitely a great possibility that it may have you wanting to get your popcorn and favorite beverage ready for your movie!

Will you find this novel a 'easy to read' book? Yes, just pick up this good read as you will be encouraged in more ways than one 'packed with principles and promises' that I would recommend to you as a good read.


Thank you to the author/publisher for the PDF read of 'Beyond The Face Of The Movies' for my honest opinion.

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