If anyone has been using Libib to catalog books (not a full or social site like goodreads and booklikes but lots of privacy choices and import/export options), there's an update to the app. Email said:
Libib Mobile App receives major updates
We know it's been a while, but we've been diligently working on a lot of back-end updates to allow for some upgrades in the near future. But just recently, we have released a rather big update to the mobile app!
New/Improved app features:
- Cover Image Upload (add your own cover images from the app)
- Search parity with the website (you can now use search operators on the app)
- Tap Hold to Rate (tap and hold an item list item to immediately bring up the rate dialog)
- Multiple logins (you can have up to two separate accounts logged in, and swap between)
- Better contrast between text and background
- Item Edit dialog easier to reach (slide over an item and get a full list of editing options)
- Improved scan lookups
- Status' and Copies now individually editable
- Android version now follows Material design best practices (iOS design has been updated as well)
- [Pro] Image shown on list (option to show cover images so that they appear on the list of items)
- [Pro] Choose between different updated themes (change your color scheme)
- [Pro] Renew a checked out item (slide over a lent out item and renew)
- [Pro] Patrons list now shows the number of items a patron has checked out
- [Pro] Edit/Add a price from edit dialog
- [Pro] Metadata editing capabilities for all fields
...and a whole lot of tweaks and adjustments to make everything just a little bit easier!
And as always, Libib Standard is free, we don't advertise, and we never sell or share your data.
Libib Pro is an excellent way for low-income schools, nonprofits and small organizations to have an easy and cost-effective way to lend and track items with their patrons. Check our Libib Pro Webinar to learn more!
Want to support Libib?
We're not going to start advertising, and we're never going to sell or share your data, but if you like what we're doing, and you don't need something as advanced as Libib Pro, consider helping us out by covering the costs of your account for a period of time!
If you don't have extra cash to spare
You can still show your support by following Libib on our social media accounts Twitter, Instagram, & YouTube