Title: Thought We Had Forever
Author: LaQuita Cameron
Publisher: Shan Presents, LLC
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Thought We Had Forever" by LaQuita Cameron
My Thoughts.....
What a read that will definitely leave you 'speechless.' The characters from Linx, Reesee, Angel, Vincent to Harriet to name a few will definitely give the reader quite a dramatic read. I don't know who I felt more sorrier for between Reesee and Angel. To me they both were quite a trip! Those two....Linx and Vincent ...really? Anyway we are left with a cliffhanger... 'To be continued....So, we are left wondering what is happening! So, be ready for a very interesting read that will keep you turning the pages to see what is going to happen next with these characters..
Thank you to the author for the read and my giving a honest opinion of the read.
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Title: Cameron
Title: Jade Jones
Publisher: Jade Publications
Series: # 6
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Cameron 6" by Jade Jones
My Thoughts....
With Jude and Cameron at their lowest point what in the world could happen next for these two?
There is strictly a lots of drama as this story goes from 'bad to worse.' What is going on with Magyc and Roxie? After Cameron leaves Jude and goes back to her hometown to Cleveland and meets up with a old friend, Juicy. What will her life be like now that she is back working as [Hypnotic] with her school friend Juicy? Be ready for a lots of twist and turns and let's not leave out all the drama that this author keeps on giving the readers. And then Cameron meets Juicy's boyfriend, Marcus Marcus,which was her old boyfriend but Jag brings it all up front and center saving her once again. What will happen as Jag is back in Cameron's life? What is really going on with Jag? But is he lying to Cameron? What's up with these guys....Jude, Magyc, Stone, Jag as there is quite a war raging as this story continues on with murders of Michael's wife and daughter. Oh my, what is going on with Jag and Cameron as her life goes from bad to even worse as this crazy saga 'Cameron 7" The Finale' continues and we finally get the ending of this story. So, to find out what all is happening in this series and get a lot of questions answered you will have to pick up this read to see for yourself how this author brings it out so well to her readers where one will only be waiting for the finale.
Title: She Deserves a Rich Thug
Author: LaQuita Cameron
Publisher: Cole Hart Presents
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"She Deserves a Rich Thug" by LaQuita Cameron
My Thoughts....
For me that wasn't a read that I could fully understand where this author was going with her script. I was not sure of who I felt sorry for more with some of these characters [Akacia & Heavenly] seemed to be over the top in quite a weird sort of way. It was hard to see what some of these women would do for love being so 'sneaky, conniving, scandalous and simply ratchet! I didn't care for how they that those men treat them. And then I don't want to leave out that Cherry Red...only leaving me to say wow being that she was definitely one who didn't allow herself to be played with her being such a schemer and liar. Will she finally get what she deserves? Now for the men characters...Money K, Niko, Jamie, Travis, Trigger and Dean well all I can say is well I will stop here and just say you will have to pick up this read to find out for yourself how things go with each of them. This was indeed like several stories in one...Heavenly's, Cherry Red, and Akacia's. Hopefully in the next series we will find out more of the story because there is a lots more to be said about this story. Definitely money plays into the story and gives you that feeling that money can be the root of all evil. In the end who will be rescued out of all of this craziness? Well, again we will get more in the next series that I am sure will answer many questions like...who will finally get smarter and let some things go before its too late. So, if you like a story full of drama, betrayal and lies then you have come to the right place for "She Deserves A Rich Thug" will give it to you and more.