4.75 starsReview Summary: A wonderful friends-to-lovers tale with older characters, one I loved despite (what else?) a lack of good editing.Review: I loved this story, maybe even more than the first one, though it's been too long since I read the first two for that to be an easy comparison. This can stand alone as a wonderful friends-to-lovers story of finding love in your fifties, if you'd rather start with it than Chiaroscuro. But I enjoyed the first two books and recommend them as well, and having read them added depth to the story told in this book.Not that this book lacks depth, with its underlying theme of loss and starting over and finding greater happiness while still suffering some regrets, because "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." Not only the main characters, but some of the secondary characters too. These enhanced rather than distracted from the primary story, as they were related in the context of a main character recognizing similarities to their own lives and learning from the effects of others' choices.Leo was very believable as the heart-broken man who at first wants only to get his old life and love back. I felt like smacking him a few times, but that was part of the realism, watching him take two steps forward and then one back. Leo is a really, really good man, one whom I dearly wanted to see find true happiness. There are many wonderful quotes sprinkled throughout this book, but one of my favorites gives a great sense of Leo's character:"You know what my favorite thing is about England?""What?""That all the exit signs say Way Out. It's not a cold exit sign, telling us to get on our way. It's being set free."I didn't like Stuart much when I first met him in Chiaroscuro, but he's one of those people who improves upon further acquaintance. I loved seeing his redemption in this book, and found it painful to see him vilified by other characters, even as their actions were understandable. I thought Stuart's reasons for being single made sense, but I started to get nervous that after so much time spent convincing me he was incapable of a forever sort of commitment, how believable could a HEA be? Fortunately, his character growth and development enabled me to believe in it, and to really root for his happiness.However, this book was not without some significant flaws, which kept it from being a 5-star book. None that disturbed me as much as Micah intending to take BART at 3am in Something Beautiful. That's guaranteed to seriously piss off anyone who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, as it's a major issue that BART stops running at midnight. Of all the factual errors in all the books I've ever read, that still stands out as one of the more egregious (no, I'm not bitter. Not at all. Really). But in this one there were confusing typos like Micah sighed, took out his wallet and gave Micah a five.More importantly, I was disoriented by the mention of Leo's seemingly many former lovers. He and Adam got together when Leo was twenty-one. Adam cheated regularly, but the impression I got in Something Beautiful was that Leo was faithful. I suppose Leo could have had a wild and crazy youth and racked up his share of lovers in just a few years, but the wording seemed to suggest that these past lovers were accrued over decades. So either I was wrong about his faithfulness, or he and Adam played with others over the years. While either of those is plausible, neither fits my impression from Something Beautiful. I even went back and read over those parts, to see if I'd misremembered or misinterpreted. Nope, still have the same impression. So I have no idea what to make of that.I was also confused by Ben's characterization. I remember loving him in the first two books, but in this one I barely recognized him. I certainly didn't like him much. So either he's changed a lot, or I have. And I thought Adam was a bit of a caricature of an awful ex, something that startled me after he and Leo had spent twenty-eight years together. I suppose there are people who suddenly turn out to be so awful after so long, but I had to work at convincing myself it was believable. Stuart swimming in the Thames also surprised me, but if there is anywhere nice enough to be able to do so, he could certainly afford to live there.So while I didn't have any single issue as big as taking BART at 3am (!!!), there were several little issues that niggled at me throughout the story. Even so, it was engaging and engrossing enough for me to mostly ignore them. When I love the characters, when I get engaged in a story, I'll forgive, overlook, or ignore many things. This story is a great example of that. It's great as it is, but at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I really, really wish it had gotten good editing.Despite the niggles, I loved this and recommend it whether you've read the earlier books or not. The series could end here, but there was obvious potential for a secondary character to get his own story, one I'd love to read. And I'd love to see at least one more book simply because I love the characters and want to spend more time with them.This review was originally posted at Reviews by Jessewave, where I received the book for free in exchange for an honest review.