offer 流行木結他/電結他/低音結他課程內容由淺入深 -四堂內目標係保證能學會一首流行曲 (e.g.蒲公英的約定,最後晚餐,風箏,學生可自行選擇) -除了自彈自唱外,更會教你不同風格的演奏技巧 (如藍調,爵士,指彈等等) -教學目的希望學生將樂器的知識融會貫通,真正了解音樂, 想了解更多資訊請瀏覽 offer 流行木結他/電結他/低音結他課程內容由淺入深 -四堂內目標係保證能學會一首流行曲 (e.g.蒲公英的約定,最後晚餐,風箏,學生可自行選擇) -除了自彈自唱外,更會教你不同風格的演奏技巧 (如藍調,爵士,指彈等等) -教學目的希望學生將樂器的知識融會貫通,真正了解音樂, 想了解更多資訊請瀏覽
The Book Report: Review of Toby by Hazel Mitchell!
Hazel Mitchell
Rescue dogs can be afraid and need time to adjust to their new home and family. Toby is a good example of how a dog can wriggle his way into the heart of a family using their cute personality. I'm impressed by the boy's hard work with Toby before his Dad can decide that maybe Toby isn't the right dog for them.
The boy learns responsibility as he works with Toby and we see his love for the dog, and his compassion that Toby needs to adjust. With the delightful and vivid illustrations, also done by the author, we see the bonding process that goes on between them.
Toby is a cute, engaging story about friendship and love that forms between a child and a dog. This book is well worth the addition to any child's, classroom or library shelf. 5 STARS!
Geordie And The Beam Of Light by JD Holiday
My First Picture For A Picture Book Story called, Geordie And The Beam Of Light
I was recently asked to join a group of talented children's authors both from the USA and
the UK to combine our Kids Lit stories into a collection to going to a charitable
organization for children. My story Geordie And The Beam Of Light.
I am a co-host for the #KidLitBlogHop.
Here you can find great kid's literature, some terrific authors, and people who simply love to talk about kid's books!
Join me and others. Going on now!