Title: 40 Days of Healing Journal
Author: Danyelle Scroggins
Publisher: Create Space Independent Publishing
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"40 Days of Healing Journal" by Danyelle Scroggins
My Thoughts....
This was definite a clearly well thought out journal about fasting....& praying with wonderful scriptures.
Here is the starting of how this journal is presented to the reader which is very easy to follow.
"It is about laying aside that thing or those things that obstruct you from being the best person you can be, and believing the denying of yourself, gives God room to maximize your potential at becoming the best you, or opening channels for your to receive answered prayers."
"For the next forty days...you are to commit to giving ups something like...Soda, Sweets, Lying, Facebook, Social Media, The Telephone, Cell Phone, Gambling, Alcohol, Gossiping, Sex, Wine, Television, Something but faithfully for the next 40 days!"
I can definitely pick one or more of these!
Write the one what you are giving up....
I'm Giving up....
Why I chose to give up this is...because....
Day 1 Psalm 95:7-8
During this time of fasting and prayer we are to remember to meditate each day to hear the voice of God.
Don't let anyone turn you from the fact you have picked up this book!
'Set your mind to wind because whatever the 'it' is in your life that is keeping you from your next level, 'it' must go down, so you can get up!
Your prayer for today:
What has God spoken for you to do but because your heart is hard, you can't seem to find a way through to do?
After the 40 days are up, what would you desire to have gained?
This was day one...now to work through 39 more days....
My Declaration:
My 'It' Has to Go In Jesus' Name
Day 2 Matthew 4: 17
And this goes on through to Day 40 with each day receiving a word from the author as she leaves  a word for you...
"There's no excuse for turning back after  39 days ago.  Move Forward with this new mindset and a will to work the Word in your life, because baby, if you Work the word the Word will Work for you,"
The Aftermath  Isaiah 41:9-11
Our Faith Galatians 3:6-9
The End... "Is never complete until God says so!"
After I went through this journal I found it well written and giving one so much important divine inspirational information that will only help 'renew ones total mind, body and spirit.' I loved how after each day, one is to write their prayers. Wow, what one can get through fasting and prayers!
This journey was beautifully well done and anyone can follow along each of the 40 days  and be truly blessed. Would I recommend? Definitely yes! I plan on starting my 40 days soon.
Thank you to the author for permitting me to read about your journal... "40 Days of Healing Journal."