Audience: Young Adult
Format: Hardcover (Owned)
The first time I flew, it was under very different circumstances.
- first sentence
It was just my luck to find the person of my dreams in a war-torn world where I was in danger of losing him any minute, I thought.
- Chapter 17
This is the final book in the Dorothy Must Die series (not including the prequel and other world enhancing novellas - I think there are nine now). But, you can read the four main books and totally enjoy the series without them.
This final book is full of action and twists, and I loved the ending. There is a bit of a cliffhanger, but just enough to let you know that there will always be strife in this magical world. (Some reviews mentioned an epilogue in the hardcover version, but there wasn't one in the kindle version, so *shrugs*.)
Some chapters are from Amy's point of view and others from Dorothy's. Seeing Dorothy's pov didn't make me despise her any less, but it was interesting to see her reasoning. It seems like she started out with good intentions, but the magic corrupted her to the point that she isn't even slightly recognizable as the girl from Kansas we all remember. Even so, she seems to have no redeeming qualities left. So, I felt fine about hating her character throughout the book.
Most of the characters are not all good or all evil. They do what they have to in order to survive and protect their friends and family. Sometimes their actions are shocking and sometimes completely understandable.
I think the end may bother some people, but it made perfect sense to me and I loved it. If you like retellings or fantasy, give this series a shot.