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review 2016-04-11 14:53
EPIC final for Declan & Alyssa
Declare (Declan Reede: The Untold Story #4) - Michelle Irwin

I was a little reluctant to start reading 'Declare'... being the final story for Declan Reede, but not exaclty for the series (if you'd read the book & the note at the very end you would understand) I was a little sad & wanted to prolong it as much as possible. But I couldn't put it off for too long, I really needed to know if Declan & Alyssa would finally get together.... With almost finding myself on Michelle Irwin's doorstep after reading 'Decipher' book 3, OMG that wouldn't have been good... I started a little hesitantly. 'Declare' is book 4 (book 5 in reading order) of Michelle's "Declan Reede: The Untold Story" & what a finish it was for Declan & Alyssa, PLEASE read this series in order for the best reading experience.

Oh my what eggshells can I walk on?? It would have been preferable to the hostility Decaln had to endure whilst staying with Alyssa's parents over the Christmas break.... Michelle really made me feel very uncomfortable, which is what Declan was feeling the whole time he was there, I loved how much emotion was conveyed through Michelle's writing. Declan, Alyssa & Pheobe head back to Sydney in order to start their new jobs & lives together as a family. Declan has his first taste of being a family, of having his girls around him always.

I'll be stopping there, I don't want to ruin ANYTHING for you. I FREAKING loved every second of this book, from the minute I started till the very end I was riveted!! The details with in the book, even told by Declan, helped you understand the personal growth he has gone through since he was a teenager till having Alyssa & Pheobe enter his life. Michelle has somehow channelled Declan to the point where the words not only painted pictures in my mind, but you felt everything he felt too...

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review 2016-04-03 00:00
Declare (Declan Reede: The Untold Story #4)
Declare (Declan Reede: The Untold Story #4) - Michelle Irwin Book: Declare (Declan Reede: The Untold Story #4)
Author: Michelle Irwin
Publication Date: 4/9/2016
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars


*May contain spoilers *

What can I say about this final book in this good series?
Declan and Alyssa still have burdens to bare. But Declan has grownup so much and it is showing.
Everything he has ever wanted is finally there for him to grab but will his demons come to the forefront?
Alyssa is planning their future and she has faith in their love. Is there a checkered flag in their future?

So many twists, turns and shockers this book totally blew my mind. I have read all the books in this series and this was my favorite. Loved the ending although it made me feel sad because it took the final book for me to finally like Declan. But there is a sneak peek at the end so I have something to look forward to.

Start with book 1 but get it and get reading.

I was gifted a copy of this book for my honest review.
[a:Michelle Irwin|8076291|Michelle Irwin|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1399168179p2/8076291.jpg]
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text 2014-11-24 20:49

Almost two years ago, I started working on a new novel set in a weirdly fantastic version of 9-11 and the aftermath of those horrific events. The story has particular resonance for me, since I was sitting on a plane on Sept 11, 2001, waiting to fly to New York.


After the labor of Sinful Folk, I wanted a break from medieval tales, and so I went in a totally new direction, writing in a new world -- the world of George Bush's War on Terror and Iraq invasion.


This story has been described by early readers as an "intricate, bizarre" and "fascinating, suspenseful" -- since this is not a "straight" story, but is more of a new supernatural horror story, I wrote it under my pseudonymn Nicholas Hallum (this is just so people can keep straight my different kinds of writing).


I was gratified to recently receive a note from master fantasy writer Tim Powers, who said he'd be fine with me putting "easter eggs" to his work into this book, which kind of made my day. So if you're an avid Tim Powers reader, see if you can find some references to his novel Declare in this new work of fiction.


The complete novel Wilderness of Mirrors should be out in about a year. But for now, I'm releasing little bits and pieces of the novel as short stories or excerpts (by permission of my publisher) that may pique your interest.


The first such public excerpt is THE MONUMENT which includes the prologue (set in 2002), as well as an important formative episode (from my main character's 1963 childhood). 


For one week only, I'm making  THE MONUMENT FREE for everyone to read. So here it is -- enjoy!






After 9-11, the NSA sends Peter Fisher to the Iraqi desert with a Stryker brigade to investigate a strange phenomenon that may turn the tide of the battle to free Iraq. In the horrific aftermath of his secret mission, Peter recalls his youthful collaboration with powers he barely understands and that influence his life for decades to come.

Source: nickhallum.com
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review 2014-09-14 23:11
Review: Declare
Declare - Tim Powers

Note: I have tried to write a review for this book like 6 times now, and even though I recognize that this is a very good book, I keep writing long rambling complaints about it. So I'm adding this note up front - I did like it, the 4 star rating isn't a mistake. Apparently, though, I only want to talk about the parts that annoyed me. 


Declare is a thriller set in an alternate history world that only grants names to a handful of women, and the chosen one is either a white dude or a slightly different white dude. Inconspicuous is the name of the game, which is why the only woman who ever gets to be a POV character has a successful career as a covert operative even after her hair turns shockingly white in her early 20’s. 


(Possibly because she’s the only female spy whose name we ever actually get? The part where Hale’s handler states that one of the foreign agents at a location of interest is a woman, and it might be her kind of made me laugh out loud. Of course it’s her, dude, doesn’t it go without saying that it’s her? Has it ever not been her, ever?)


Also, there’s some supernatural horror stuff.


Early on in this book, I said this would have been shelved as PNR if it had been written by a woman. I stand by that assessment. It bears so many of the hallmarks of the genre, from the “love triangle” that only really has one solution, to sexual availability in another woman marking her as evil, to the HEA being the focus of the last act.


Somewhere in these 534 well researched, well-constructed pages is a novel I would love without reservation. How could I not love something with these strange horrifying creatures? Alas, that novel is about half the length. It’s one of the better romance novels I’ve read. That just isn’t my genre. I suspect secret history may also not be my genre. I continue to be a poor student of history. I really felt like the attention to those details was working against me more so than the romance. That, or maybe information control at the expense of more interesting POV choices?


The first half – oh, god, the first half reads like an exercise in keeping anything I might find fascinating just off the page – is told entirely from one POV character, who is the least informed person in any room. The first half spends agonizing time detailing a romance subplot and failing to portray this protagonist as competent for any sort of covert mission. It’s hundreds of pages of him reacting to stuff he doesn’t know about and discussing poetry, politics, and religion with the only woman besides his mother he’s ever had more than one conversations with. 


If it hadn’t been cut together in such a nonlinear fashion, I would have just wandered off in boredom before getting to the good parts. Even so, the lengthy stretch of time spent in wartime Paris where his time is spent almost entirely sitting in a closet falling madly in love with a woman who is actually out getting shit done? Which we mostly know about through his recollections of her telling him about her day? If I hadn’t trapped myself on two international flights with this, I still might not have made it.


Seriously, I should have at least gotten a sex scene out of having to read through that whole Paris section. But, like the djinn and the details of Hale’s failed mission, obviously that was off the page.


Eventually, she’s a POV character, but that’s around 70% of the way through the book. Seventy percent of the way through 500+ pages. I COULD HAVE GOTTEN PARIS FROM HER POV?!?!?


Would having Elena as a POV character have helped the first half? We eventually get her backstory, but not until fairly late in the book. After we’ve already seen two different men’s version of obsession with her. After we’ve seen those two play a hand of cards with her as a prize.


The second half, though. Fucking amazing. At some point along the way, Hale learned to use a gun and be a spy. And Philby. Jesus, what a douchbag.


I enjoyed the second half quite a bit.


Well, mostly. There’s still the part where most of the mysteries in the novel are all answered in a single chapter by a man telling Hale what’s what because he's spent his entire life figuring out nothing. On the plus side, Hale does get punched in the face a few times during the conversation.


Also, can I ramble a bit about the representation of women in this book? It’s not actually bad, it’s just not good.  


Until it’s just hilarious.


I suppose I should be happy that the occasional background person happens to be female. Honestly, it was nice to see that not every random person Hale encountered was male. But. When the only two women besides the love interest who make more than one appearance are the mother (who dies when he’s a child) and a mysterious evil woman who issues invitations of a sexual nature . . . well.


There are a few other women on the planet, including the woman who approaches Hale to enlist him as a communist operative, but more often than not, they’re more backdrop than character. Even the ones with names aren’t usually present or mentioned more than a single time. The ones who are actual, real women are just included as set dressing for the secret history, and are more likely to be thought about than actually in a scene.


A woman named Sabri Khan makes an appearance around the 65% mark. She walks into a room, turns around, and walks back out of the room.


That’s all she does.


I am not kidding even a little.


That is just one of the many jokes the book makes about its own lack of representation.

Like that time Hale is set up by a pretty girl from St. Hilda’s College? He should have realized something was hokey when, even though her invitation arrived by post, she didn’t get a name.


Here are a few more:

“Don’t write them down, but remember them. One day Theodora will as you about them.”

“Yes, sir, I will, sir.” Andrew was simply postponing the effort of trying to imagine some no doubt frightening looking woman named Theodora interrogating him about his dreams at some future date.

Obviously, the punch line to this gag is that Theodora is the last name of the man he’ll eventually report to.

Hale was entranced with the Dublin accent of one Iris Murdoch, but she was an elegant twenty-two-year-old Somerville student, and he couldn’t imagine suggesting to her that she come out for tea with him sometime.

Hilariously, Iris Murdoch never actually says anything in this book. This sentence is the entirety of her existence in the book. Isn’t her accent charming? Murdoch is a real person, so her inclusion is part of building that well-constructed secret history, but I’m still going to laugh at how she’s included. As a woman whose defining trait isn’t even used on the page.


Even having said all this, I’m giving Declare a lot of stars. I can’t deny that it is a brilliant, amazing work. I would have preferred the version that was a fast paced supernatural spy thriller. I would have preferred the version that had more POV characters sooner.

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review 2014-05-10 05:20
I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life
I Declare: Proclaiming the Promises of God Over Your Life - Joel Osteen Excellent book again. It's good to focus on possibilities instead of obstacles.
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