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review 2013-12-23 20:04
Almost, but not quite there.
The Orange Houses - Paul Griffin

This is an example of a great premise and promising story, but I didn't find myself as deeply invested with the characters as I would like to be. Maybe it's because this book was so short, and backstories were summed up rather than retold, but ultimately I didn't feel a deep connection. (There are those out there who will say this is my fault, and maybe they're even correct, but that's a rant for another day).


One part, though, did speak to me, and it was through a deaf girl who didn't like the idea of getting newer hearing aids that wouldn't allow her to cancel out most of the outside noise that constantly surrounded her: 



The reason I felt a sort of kinship with this section was that it reminded me of my mental "inner noise" - if I try to concentrate on more than one outside noise while dealing with everything inside my head, it's overwhelming. If there's a song with clear lyrics and my husband is talking to me, I tend to lower the music or mute it. Ditto with the tv. Most people do this, of course, but for me it's sort of...painful. Not physically, but emotionally. It's too much.


Anyway, I digress. The stories of two hopeful but somewhat damaged girls battling against prejudices juxtaposed with the story of a man seeking redemption just didn't do it for me. There were bits here and there that came through, but ultimately, I didn't worry about the characters, and for that I can't recommend this one with gusto.

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review 2013-11-18 16:14
De b@nd grijpt in - Joep van Deudekom

Een beetje een vreemd boek. Ik wist (en weet) nog steeds niet wat ik moet denken van het trio kinderen. En ik twijfel ook heel erg aan de ouders.

Maar het onderliggende verhaal was goed, het feit dat ze zoveel deden voor hun klasgenoot was gewoon prachtig.

Het is gewoon schrijnend dat kinderen die hier al sinds geboorte af aan zijn, en waarbij de ouders echt heel erg hun best doen om hier te integreren gewoon kunnen weggestuurd worden, zomaar. Poef. Terwijl zij allang niet meer de taal spreken, en hier ook vaak vriendjes, vriendinnetjes en educatie hebben. En vaak zijn ze alleen maar slechter af in het geboorteland van hun ouders.

Zo blij voor het meisje in dit verhaal. 

Ik hoop eigenlijk nog wel op wat meer boeken over de band. :)

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