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review 2019-08-26 16:31
Review ~ DNF
Close Liaisons - Dima Zales,Anna Zaires



DNF @23%


Book source ~ ARC. My review is voluntary and honest.


The Krinar have easily taken over Earth. They rule and take whatever they want. And when Korum wants Mia Stalis he means to have her whether she wants him or not. But, of course, she wants him! He’s scary and domineering and so very sexy the way he moves around like an inhuman predator. No really. The author says so a million times in the 23% I read so it must be true! Gag me and not with a silk hankie.


This is exactly like Fifty Shades of Shit and Twilight all rolled into one big turd sandwich. Except instead of a vampire we have an alien who loves being in charge. He will fuck her. Make no mistake! And I’m sure he does but I didn’t stick around to see it. This plot is old and tired and the writing is bleh. The characters are one-dimensional. I can’t stomach anymore of this, so I’m moving on.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2019/08/close-liaisons.html
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quote 2016-08-17 07:18
办BPP diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证英博夏尔大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明BPP University毕业证
The Sorcery Code - Anna Zaires,Dima Zales


【Bachelor Master】办UoB diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证布拉德福德大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Bradford毕业证?
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University of Brighton毕业证?
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City University London毕业证?
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University for the Creative Arts毕业证

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review 2016-03-20 00:00
The Enlightened
The Enlightened - Anna Zaires,Dima Zales Q:
Okay, so fact one: I have grandparents. Fact two: they’re swingers. It just gets better and better.
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review 2016-03-19 00:00
The Thought Pushers
The Thought Pushers - Anna Zaires,Dima Zales Q:
“We never should’ve taken that fucking tunnel,” she says, swerving suddenly. I think she just scared a cab driver—and those guys have seen everything. I’ve always thought they were the ones driving like maniacs, but they’ve got nothing on Mira. Hell, even Caleb isn’t as bad. But she’s still eighteen, and thinks she’s indestructible. I, by the way, never had that delusion.
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review 2016-02-03 08:00
Oasis - Anna Zaires,Dima Zales

I need to admit that I have a soft spot for Dystopian YA stories, and I haven't yet been able to decide exactly why. I heard this book was being compared to the Divergent series, and even though that series wasn't all gold that blinks, I felt like I had to read this book as well. But, as it turned out. The covers are the only things that are alike.


Meet Theo, your not-so-strong male protagonist, who's not so quiet and docile any more since he's been hearing voices in his head. Or basically one voice, Phoe, who is showing him all kind of things that are being censored by the Elders and there's mind control too.


One of the many weird and confusing things in this novel was that people under 40 where not considered adults and where left mostly to guard themselves. While I understand this works for 20somethings I doubt very much this is useful for eight-year-olds. I was disappointed because I felt many of the things in the novel were not explained and sometimes downright confusing. I didn't like it as much as I'd hoped, and I'm not sure yet whether or not I will continue with the second book in this series.


Oasis is the first book in The Last Humans series.


Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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