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review 2019-05-03 03:30
Flying Too High
Flying Too High - Kerry Greenwood

It’s been years since I read Cocaine Blues (I think it was in The Before Times), and I feared I’d have to go back to it for a refresher, but I needn’t have worried. Greenwood helpfully explains any references to past adventures whether they were in the first book or not. It seems to be the kind of deal where Phryne’s backstory is dropped in little snippets whenever one of her astounding skills needs to be explained, so I find it less likely I forgot that she had piloting experience in book one, and more likely that I won’t find out about that time she climbed Mount Everest until Greenwood needs to explain how Phryne can suddenly ascend sheer rock faces with the greatest of ease.


One thing I do wish I remembered about Cocaine Blues is whether or not it also switched from lighthearted and snarky to downright disturbing and back at the drop of a hat. Several times Flying Too High was rolling along pleasantly on Cheeky Street before hitting the gas and taking a hard turn onto WTF Drive on the way to Darksville, only to take another screeching-tire turn onto What A Lark Avenue. Spoilery examples include:



Sexual assault played for laughs and not even viewed as sexual assault. Posing nude for an artist is not an invitation to have your nipples sucked by said artist who is frustrated with the lack of tension in your body. And the whole thing is played for laughs. And then they have consensual sex, because yay for sexual agency, I guess? And then they go out to dinner and Phryne asks to buy the sculpture she just posed and was assaulted for, because who wouldn’t want to have a tangible reminder of that time a guy you’d never met before sucked your nipples without permission?


Making a deal with a pedophile to smuggle a child to him in prison so he can get off one last time before his execution. In exchange for him not dobbing in one of his fellow kidnappers, no less. But don’t worry, folks, it’s not an actual child Phryne’s sacrificing to the gods of criminal obstruction of justice. It’s a physically underdeveloped adult lesbian who gets her rocks off turning tricks for pedos in prison. HOW VERY CONVENIENT THAT PHRYNE KNOWS ONE OF THOSE.


(spoiler show)


So yeah. I can’t tell if there are actual tonal problems there that should have been addressed or if I’m reading them as tonal problems because of the flippant treatment of things on my ick list. Either way, the book made me laugh more than it tried to make my eyebrows climb up past my hairline, and I’ll keep going with the series for now.

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review 2017-03-10 17:34
Okay Second Book in Miss Fisher's Murder Series
Flying Too High: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - Kerry Greenwood

I think this book is firmly a three star read. We get introduced to Mr. Butler, though in the book series he has a wife. We have Phryne once again being led by her libido. At least she has good deductive reasoning though. Though I will say that whole last act was unnecessary with Phryne and I found myself bored senseless reading about her clothes and how much food she had eaten. She also makes an agreement with one of the culprits in this book that I found to be gross and offf-putting. I am still going to read the next book in the series though.


"Flying Too High" is the second book in the Phryne Fisher series. I fell in love with the tv show and then decided to start reading the books afterwards.


Image result for miss fisher gifs


In the second book we have Phryne investigating two cases. One involving a kidnapped child and another a murder of a man who was detestable in every single way.


The two cases do not relate to one another at all so you are going to have to follow two plot lines.

I can honestly say I don't care that much for book Phryne at all. She is smart, but I find her ability to sleep with anyone and not care if they are in a relationship or not, not something to be admired.

Book Dot is a bit judgmental of Phryne, but loyal. I did like the parts of the book showing how Dot was so happy to have a room of her own with a door she can lock. 


We get reappearances of Detective-Inspector Jack Robinson who has learned to not underestimate Miss Fisher. And we also get Bert and Cec. 


The kidnapping case was okay, but I still feel dirty about the deal that Miss Fisher makes with one of the kidnappers. And we find out that Miss Fisher's grand scheme was unnecessary in the end so I was annoyed about reading it. It didn't make much sense honestly.

The murder case was a bit too much to swallow for me. I did like the characters in that one, it be nice to see what happens to Amelia and her brother Bill.

The writing was okay, but at times I found myself bored with the endless description of Miss Fisher's clothes, shoes, and hats. Also I don't really care what she eats for dinner or tea. There were long soliloquies about tea and I found myself yawning.


The setting of Australia does make this series appealing to me and I do like trying to get a sense of the country from this time period (pre-WWII).


The ending was a little odd though both cases are wrapped up rather neatly. 

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text 2017-03-10 16:15
Reading progress update: I've read 100%.
Flying Too High: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - Kerry Greenwood

I did like this one, but also disliked the book version of Miss Fisher a lot. She sleeps with a client's fiancee and I don't know, it was weird to me. She seems bound by hormones for the most part. Miss Fisher (tv version) is smarter than this. 


I do love the reappearance of Cec and Burt and also how Miss Fisher solved her two cases. Still enjoyed the book and plan on reading book #3 soon.


I do want her and Jack to get together already. I love the tv show though so that's why I am leaning towards that. It was nice to get an appearance in the book by Robinson who definitely knows to not under estimate Miss Fisher. 


Image result for miss fisher and jack gifs


Image result for miss fisher and jack gifs

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text 2017-03-09 20:52
Reading progress update: I've read 17%.
Flying Too High: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - Kerry Greenwood

Image result for miss fisher gifs


This is good so far. It's fairly short which is why I put off finishing it until today. We now have Phryne moving into her home (221 B) and she meets Mr. and Mrs. B (in the tv show there is only Mr. B) and takes Dot with her. We all know that Phryne loves to fly and we get to read about her doing that. However, trying to see how the initial kidnapping we get ties into Miss Fisher taking a case where she tells the son to not murder the father (I maybe rolled my eyes at her straight forward manner). 

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text 2016-12-27 17:42
Kim & Kim, Volume 1: This Glamorous, High-Flying Rock Star Life - Magdalene Visaggio,Claudia Aguirre,Eva Cabrera,Katy Rex

From Diamon Book Distributors June 2017 Sales Kit:


"Blending the punk exuberance of TANK GIRL with the buddy adventure wackiness of SUPERBAD (if Michael Cera was a trans woman and Jonah Hill a queergirl partner in crime), Kim & Kim focuses on the power and meaning of female friendships as engines of validation. A bright, happy, punk rock sci fi adventure that is queer as shit."

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