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review 2019-04-22 19:07
Suspicious Minds by Gwenda Bond
Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds: The First Official Novel - Gwenda Bond

I wasn’t sure what I was going to think of this book set before the events that take place in the Stranger Things Netflix series. I mean, I love Stranger Things on tv, but would I love a book set before Eleven, Chief Hopper, and Dustin and Steve’s unlikely bromance hit the screen? I wasn’t sure.


We learn all about Eleven’s mom, Terry, who is a college student when she gets involved with Dr. Brenner and his human experiments for nefarious purposes. At first it’s the chance to do something good for the world which is currently sending its boys off to die in Vietnam that pulls her in, later it’s the friendships and strong bonds she develops with the other experimentees and the five year old little girl called 008 who is kept prisoner at the facility that keep her going back. As they all get in deeper and one of them starts seeing monsters, they come to realize that Dr. Brenner may be up to no good. No good at all! Terry starts snooping and gets herself in so deep she may never get out.


This book is less about monsters than it is about science experiments, unexpected friendships and uncovering a devious government project. It has engaging characters, is emotionally painful and lacks the humorous bits of the series but I did not want to stop reading. It’s a terrific addition to the series and a fascinating story all on its own and I highly recommend it.

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text 2019-04-04 17:01
My March 2019
Wie Blut so rot - Marissa Meyer
Was geschah mit Alice - Maureen Johnson
Schamlos - Sofia Nesrine Srour,Amina Bile,Maike Dörries,Nancy Herz,Esra Galun
Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds: The First Official Novel - Gwenda Bond
The Song of Achilles: A Novel - Madeline Miller,Douglas H. Frazer,HarperAudio
Wahrheit gegen Wahrheit: Thriller - Karen Cleveland,Stefanie Retterbush
Spindle (English Edition) - Shonna Slayton
Mitten im kalten Winter - Arvid Heubner
Diebe im Olymp (Percy Jackson, #1) - Rick Riordan
Wie Blut so rot - 5 stars
Was geschah mit Alice - 3.5 stars
Schamlos - 5 stars
Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds - 4.5 stars
The Song of Achilles - dnf
Wahrheit gegen Wahrheit - dnf
Spindle - dnf
Mitten im kalten Winter - dnf
Diebe im Olymp - 5 stars


Favorite book(s) of the month:

Wie Blut so rot, Schamlos, Diebe im Olymp


Books started this month but haven't finished yet:

Still, Wie Sterne so golden, Elias & Laia - In den Fängen der Finsternis, Im Bann des Zyklopen


Random ramblings:

I'M JUST SO HAPPY WITH MARCH!!!!! I seriously don't know what happened, but I actually managed to finish 5 books and I'M SO EXCITED!!! This month was also the month I finally dnf'd some of the books I kept dragging with me from month to month. It was time to admit that right now isn't the time for these books, I will go back to them later. Maybe. The books I actually finished this month were amazing. Most of them.

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review 2019-03-23 16:12
Suspicious Minds!!!
Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds: The First Official Novel - Gwenda Bond

german and english review (spoilerfree)

mir wurde das Buch vom Penguin Verlag für eine Testleserunde zur Verfügnung gestellt


Inhalt: Sommer 1969: Die Amerikanerin Terry Ives studiert am College, als sie von einem bedeutenden Experiment im Auftrag der Regierung hört. Sie meldet sich als Testperson, aber schon bald muss sie feststellen, dass es sich um keine normale Studie handelt: Unter dem Decknamen MKULTRA werden ihr in einem geheimen Labor bewusstseinsverändernde Substanzen verabreicht. Sie ahnt nicht, dass hinter den Mauern des Hawkins National Laboratory eine Verschwörung lauert, die größer ist, als sie sich je hätte vorstellen können. Doch es gibt jemanden, der ihr dabei helfen kann, das Böse zu besiegen: Ein Mädchen, das im Labor vor der Welt versteckt gehalten wird. Sie hat übermenschliche Kräfte - und eine Zahl anstelle eines Namens: 008 ...


Meine Bewertung: Trotz kleiner Startschwierigkeiten, hat mich das Buch total begeistert.


Der Anfang war unheimlich langsam für mich. Natürlich hat mich die Geschichte interessiert, weil ich einfach alles Liebe was mit Stranger Things zu tun hat und auch der Schreibstil hat mir wirklich gut gefallen. Trotzdem hat mich keiner der Charaktere wirklich interessiert. Bis ich dann die 30% in dem Buch erreicht hatte und sich auf einmal alles komplett geändert hat.


Ich fand es total klasse, wie sich die Truppe um Terry, Alice, Gloria, und Ken gefunden hat. Wie sie zu einer kleinen Familie geworden sind, die sich umeinander gekümmert haben, mit denen sie reden konnten, wenn sie sich niemand anderen anvertrauen konnten, und wie sie sich unterstützt haben in der ein oder anderen schrecklichen Situation.


Terry. Ich liebe was für eine Kämpferin sie ist. Sie muss wirklich so viele Schläge verkraften aber sie ist wirklich unheimlich stark, beißt sich wirklich durch jede Situation und gibt niemals auf. Ich hab einfach so viele Gefühle wenn es um Terry geht.
Alice ist mir ebenfalls extrem ans Herz gewachsen. Sie war wirklich die kleine Schwester in dem Buch und ich wollte sie einfach nur von allem und jeden beschützen.
Gloria. Sie ist großartig und ich mochte auch die Familienmomente, die wir bei ihr zu Hause sehen konnten.
Ken. Ken ist bei mir ein bisschen untergegangen, das muss ich ganz ehrlich gestehen.


Andere Charaktere wie Andrew. Was für ein toller Kerl. Es hat echt weh getan.
Kali. Mein Kind. Acht. Ich fand sie einfach wirklich klasse und auch wie sie in die Geschichte reingepasst hat.
Brenner. Ich dachte nicht, das ich ihn noch abstoßender finden könnte aber siehe da. Er ist wirklich unerträglich grausam.

Alles in allem, hat mir das Buch wirklich richtig gut gefallen und war ein wunderbares Buch um die Serie zu ergänzen. Ich glaube nicht, dass wir irgendwas Neues gelernt haben, aber es war wunderbar mit der Serie verbunden, hat ein paar Dinge erklärt und einen den ein oder anderen Charakter einfach nochmal viel näher gebracht.


Ich bin wirklich auf weitere Bücher gespannt.




Summary: A mysterious lab. A sinister scientist. A secret history. If you think you know the truth behind Eleven’s mother, prepare to have your mind turned Upside Down in this thrilling prequel to the hit show Stranger Things.

It’s the summer of 1969, and the shock of conflict reverberates through the youth of America, both at home and abroad. As a student at a quiet college campus in the heartland of Indiana, Terry Ives couldn’t be further from the front lines of Vietnam or the incendiary protests in Washington.

But the world is changing, and Terry isn’t content to watch from the sidelines. When word gets around about an important government experiment in the small town of Hawkins, she signs on as a test subject for the project, codenamed MKUltra. Unmarked vans, a remote lab deep in the woods, mind-altering substances administered by tightlipped researchers . . . and a mystery the young and restless Terry is determined to uncover.

But behind the walls of Hawkins National Laboratory—and the piercing gaze of its director, Dr. Martin Brenner—lurks a conspiracy greater than she could have ever imagined. To face it, she’ll need the help of her fellow test subjects, including one so mysterious the world doesn’t know she exists—a young girl with unexplainable, superhuman powers and a number instead of a name: 008.

Amid the rising tensions of the new decade, Terry Ives and Martin Brenner have begun a different kind of war—one where the human mind is the battlefield.


My review: Even though I had some issues in the beginning, I ended up totally loving this book.


The beginning was a rough one. Of course I was totally interested in the story cause I love everything Stranger things, and I also really enjoyed the writing. Still, none of the characters did anything for me and didn't interest me at all. Until I reached the 30% mark of the book when everything changed.


I loved the whole group dynamic between Terry, Alice, Gloria, and Ken, and how they just found each other. How they became this little family that took care of each other, who they could talk to when they couldn't talk to anybody else, how they supported each other through every awful situation.


Terry. I love what a fighter she is. She had to overcome so many things, one awful thing after another, and she still stayed so strong, fought through everything and never gave up. I just have too many feels when it comes to Terry.
Alice snuck her way into my heart right away. She really was the little sister in the book, that I wanted to protect from everything and everyone.
Gloria. She is just amazing and I truly loved every little moment she had with her family at home.
Ken. Well, Ken kinda fell through the cracks for me a bit, to be completely honest.


Other characters like Andrew. What a great guy. Everything about his whole situation just hurts like hell.
Kali. My child. Eight. I just love her so damn much and how she fit into the whole story.
Brenner. You know, I thought I couldn't hate him more or find him any more disgusting but look at that. He is just insanely aweful and cruel.


All in all, I truly enjoyed this book a lot and think that it really complemented the tv show. I don't think that we learned anything new, but it still tied in really well with the show and explained a few things more and it really brought me closer to some of the characters.


I'm truly excited for the following books.

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text 2019-03-14 17:04
Reading progress update: I've read 34%.
Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds: The First Official Novel - Gwenda Bond

YESS, finally reached the part where I'm actually interested in the characters and care about them. YESSS. Now the book is really starting for me.

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review 2018-02-25 08:43
Patch Job
Patch Job (ReMade Season 2 Episode 1) - Gwenda Bond,Matthew Cody,Andrea Phillips,E. C. Myers,Amy Rose Capetta

Patch Job is the first episode in the second season of ReMade and rather than starting of where the first season ended (without answers on a cliffhanger), this starts something new. A character that was thought to be gone for good is in a sense ReMade all over and dropped into the world again. Also, there is a special connection with the caretakers.

I'm curious to see where this is going.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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